Good 4 jonathan bt not strange 2 nigerians.Nigerians r good people,have d fear of God,A great nation rich in different natural resourses but still NO FOOD,NO ACCOMODATION, NO PUTABLE WATER,NO GOOD ROAD,NO WELL EQUIPT SCHOOLS AND HOSPITAL,LABOURER R PRICED CHEEP,AN AVERAGE NIGERIAN VE NO VOICE, PENSIONS r nt PAID 2 PENSIONIER,NO JUSTICE,absolutly nothing 2 b prud of.and Mr.PRESIDENT u xpect GOD 2 answer ur prayer on security on d land "impossible".Nigerians r nt violent people.Give wat blong 2 ceaser 2 ceaser and am sure by that we will all live in a secured environment.except so.........tell nigerians why u decided 2 go spritual.
his decision was not wrong neither was it odd, but it's what he belives in he ran 2 for security, even if he sometims goes out of the way, it is not inevitable. he is 4rm a christian hm so what do u expect?