only nigerian govt can reoganise police force.if u are an employer and u hire a man 2 work 4 u and u cant pay him salary commensurate to the service he renders,naturally u are only encouraging him to device alternative means of livelihood seeing that what they are paid is nothing 2 take care of their needs.2day police men have transfered all the poor salary aggression to the poor public men and women even chlidren. what we recive 2day from police is wantom extortion of money and phisical abuse from the masses whom they are paid 2 protect and govt is not doing anything about it.the people govt is giving the responsibility of fishing out the criminal.what if they see them and decide 2 make money out of them becos of poor salary,dont u think that every potential criminal will be able 2 doll out any amount of money 2 buy his freedom or cover up a plot.seeing that police is always interested on every issue that has 2 do with money becos they are hungry.not writing this 2 spite anybody but the truth must be told,thats the only we can come out of the woods amongst nigerians internal and myriad problems.those who work must be well remunerated.but in our country 2day,criminals are even paid huge amount of money 2 beg them from harrasing the society instead of facing the book. we celebrate hoodlums and public servants who steal all the public funds they are meant 2 safeguard. i cant continue becos its endless.but i'll enjoin the nigerian president goodluck jonthan 2 use his good office 2 address these issues.i'm not a policeman i'm only in a way making my own contribution 2 make our nation nigeria a safe place us 4 all.i believe in mr president.he is the only nigerian president for now who has the heart of a man.who is human in his actions.who seem 2 have grown up in this society and so is aquinted with the yearnings and aspiration of the masses.who knows he is here 2 serve and not 2 kill and loot the treasury.who can hear the cry of poor and come 2 their aid.pls pay the police good salary so they will stop abusing the public.reorganise the force bring dicipline 2 it and give members of the force a sense of pride like police force in other nations of the world.