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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Nigerian girls and fronting on: 10-07-2008 07:28 AM
I do not think it is just one type of a woman(white,black,hispanic,etc). I do not think anyone should try to classify all women,or men into a group. It is based on the type of person she or he is. I just wanted to add my comment,cause sooooo many people want to say well all nigerians,or all white,black,muslim,hispanic etc act this way or that. I think we should try to remind ourselves that we must base our opinions of people by a person and not a whole group. A person should be viewed by their character,not the color,or nationality they are. There is good and bad in all people,we cannot say that all christians,or nigerians etc act this way.
Afterall if you get cut we all bleed the same. We all are brothers and sisters in GODS eyes. Grin
I also believe that if a person is not so easy to get with,it could be that she or he is worth the wait. That person is probably just testing you to see "do you want to know me and build a relationship,or just infatuated with my looks and want in my pants. I believe with all the "stds" and hurt in the world it is time we try to know a person for the purpose of a friendship first. Then if love does spark from it,you have a firm base to build on a relationship. From my experience if a lady sleeps with a man we usually think it means you are now our man,but a man usually see's it as well I hit that NEXT. I also wish if a man does just want some sex from a lady,and who knows, maybe it is all she wants from you Tongue. I think the both of you should clarify it so neither of you get hurt. :'(