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1  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Any igbo Man...Check this out on: 13-06-2008 06:12 PM
HEy was a hot one man....dont know if you are igbo, but i surely understand dat as an Igbo man God has created us and made us who we are........but its wrong to say that the igbos luv money more........................cos the bible says ".i lazy man should not eat" ....therefore i advice make the chida faster than you can spend it.....people.............
2  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: ruggedman to be crowned king of rap on: 11-06-2008 12:41 PM
Ruggdy baba is the man right from hie Ehen track i have been his fan ..well an still xpecting a new alblum from him or atleast a single.he gives me joy..why u too dey copy copy.ehen!!!

.Wait wa about 'lagimo' from the Roof top MCs.yll aint talking abiout that.