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Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP? |
on: 24-07-2008 04:30 PM
| Bro,its lovely 2 hear dt u lov sbody soo much dt even distance cld not be a barrier. I lov distance rtps, u knw y? cos its easier 4 u not 2 fall into fornication,d only thing dt can sustain any meaningful rtp is ‘love’.most girls r impatient basically bcos most boys r not 2 be trusted so I don’t blame ur spause 2 much…, u hav 2 giv her a reason y it shld be U and not d other guy she intend dating. U hav 2 sacrife,take @least one day 2 visit her,during which u can express ur feelings 2 her.and pls try and pray abt it,ur rtp shld be rooted on a solid foundation
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Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Do you support or are you against abortion? |
on: 23-07-2008 02:00 PM
| I am totally against it lik every other person has commented on dis site but let me point dis out,guys…u stimes think d sin is only on d girl,but guess wat? ur sin might be even bigger bcos u r d one dt planted a seed there and I don’t think any girl will want 2 abort her child if she has d support of her partner. Another point I want 2 make is dis,some married couple indulge in abortion 2, wt d excuse dt dy cannot afford 2 cater 4 more children. so I think we shld channel our discussion a little bit in dt direction.
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Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: does love really require sex |
on: 23-07-2008 01:54 PM
| Do I need 2 quote d bible in d book of 1st Corinthians 3:16 2 prove 2 u dt fornication is a sin? When going into any rtp, I advice we weigh d concequencies(moral, spiritual,economical etc) Now tell me,hw many rtps hav sex saved? 4 every sex u hav, there is a level of satisfaction u expect,and by d time u fail 2 get dt satisfaction,u get frustrated, dts one of d things dt leads 2 breakups. U can now c d difference btw sex and lov Sex is Demanding Lov is Appreciating U can have sex but pls wait til wen u r married!!!
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Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: can sex be involved in casual friendship |
on: 23-07-2008 01:06 PM
| If wat u r saying isdt u want casual sex bcos u r in a casual rtp,den am really sorry 4 u.have u thaught about d moral implications? Anything casual has no firm standing,no foundation! I ll advice u hav commendable rtp,don’t turn ur peer mate into ur bed mate .there is more 2 enjoy in a rtp far better dan sex. Don’t be reckless instead be focus!,if u lik,hate me but it is da bitter truth
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Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Where would u like to move and why? |
on: 23-07-2008 12:48 PM
| I lov Nigeria especially my freedom,here,I can do whateva i lik,(good of course) u knw y,cos I am a citizen,I can screem @ d top of my voice wen am excited,and nobody goes 2 call d cops 2 arrest me,wen hungry,I am @ liberty 2 enter my neighbours kitchen,and guess wat? she isn’t angry,Instead,she sees dt as fun I can xpress myself anytime,anywere,anyhow bcos I am a daughter of d soil I cld decide 2 go abroad 4 vacation,education,u knw? pleasure,yeah y not? But my heart lies in Nigeria.
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Forum / Naijapals / Re: Getting anew with Naijapals |
on: 23-07-2008 12:14 PM
| U guys knw wat? Dis doesn’t sound lik getting anew wt naijapals,nope,it sounds lik catching on old times 2 me,have ur fun,am out! cos I don’t knw no one here 4rm Adams.c ya | | |
Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: What's Diddy looking at? |
on: 10-07-2008 04:54 PM
| Well,4rm d pic,it is clear dt there is an angle of depression 4rm Diddys eyes 2 d babes Bosom which is about 90 degrees. When u draw d angle 4rm d eyes 2 d Bosom 2 his heart(mind) u will get a triangle,u can then figure out wat will be in his heart(mind). believe u me, i cant explain dt mathematically,but am sure dt @ d end we will end up in angle 360. lol | | |
Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Reasons to Date a Naija Man |
on: 10-07-2008 01:18 PM
| Well, not bad, though almost half of it is an illusion, afterall soup no go sweet if u nor add maggi and salt. wetin we go do na? na naija we dey so we hav 2 stick wt d naija guys moreso...da devil u knw is better dn d angel u dont knw. and 4 d guys, i knw say una go dey feel lik fine boys nw o, all d same sha i pray dis write up have a positive impact on naija guys. | | |
Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: What do you want in a man?? for different age groups, read on! |
on: 10-07-2008 12:53 PM
| What I want in a man, Revised list (age 32) 1. Nice looking - preferably with hair on his head 2. Opens car doors, holds chairs 3. Has enough money for a nice dinner at a restaurant 4. Listens more than he talks 5. Laughs at my jokes at appropriate times 6. Can carry in all groceries with ease 7. Owns at least one tie 8. Appreciates a good home cooked meal 9. Remembers birthdays and anniversaries 10. Seeks romance at least once a week
yeah,cool 4 me only dt i think something very important is missing, he must be Godfearing. | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: SEX IS NOT SOMETHING DONE OUTSIDE MARRIAGE |
on: 4-07-2008 11:58 AM
| wether u like it or yes,wen u hav sex wt sb dt isn't ur marriage partner,u feel kinda insecured,u r so scared and suspicious dt u keep on making terrible mistakes.think abt wat happens if u r caught up wt 1 or 2 misfortunes like,gettn pregnant,contracting STDs,heartbreak matter hw nice we try 2 moodle it, d fact still remains dt we r sinnig against God (FORNICATION).AND DONT 4GET,1 sin leads 2 another. U fornicate=get pregnant=Abortion=might die in process U fornicate=contract STDs=transmit it=die young U fornicate=heartbreak=kill or maim=suicide Did u notice sth? it all lead 2 death...''da wages of sin is death''. | | | |