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81  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Nigerian girls and fronting on: 28-07-2008 05:26 PM
Nigerian girls and fronting

wat do u mean wen u say it lik,showing ur white bra and blue pants? pls xplain 4da...
 and y fronting? wat abt backing? lol
82  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Who is Your Crush on NaijaPals!!! on: 28-07-2008 05:16 PM
i wld'nt mind 2 knw ur statement of acct...beliv me, it will go a long way in cementing d rtp
83  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Can a man cry for a woman on: 28-07-2008 04:57 PM
Some guys have phd in acting, they can pretend to get anything from a woman.

ok,d bitter truth is dt one cannot easily differentiate btw crocodile tears,tilapia tears,cryfish tears,ice fish tears,frog tears...4rm genuine tears
especially wen it's a guy dt is involved,
well i think 2 settle dis matter, d donor and recipient shld hav good intentions in mind, wether it's u dt is doing d crying or u who is cried upon!
84  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Who is Your Crush on NaijaPals!!! on: 28-07-2008 04:39 PM
@tjbabi....   why do u want to crush me now???....
If it's about my replies 2 ur comments....well I'm just being straight wit u

i just kidding,u knw sth, i lik ur name cos it starts wt rich...guy, u must be loaded
 guess u've watched rangy rich, bla bla bla... i hav a crush on u
 hey, did i just say dt...twas a slip of 'good manners',pretend u didnt hear dt
just kidding
85  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Is it true that some names are known for cheating in relationships... on: 28-07-2008 04:04 PM
Names have meanings n implications......................if i meet a lady named JEZEBEL or DELILAH, i gotta take my time, b slow b4 making up my mind. wa 4 u o, u see dt kind name com dey talk say u go take ur time,slow b4 u make ur mind abt d babe? e bi lik say u nor lik urself atall, i dey fear 4 u o, God knw say if i see any guy wen him name na Lucifer or serpent,my leg go touch my yansh 4 race wen i go run.
86  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Who is your dream man/woman on: 28-07-2008 03:52 PM
not much but dat descibes ma grandpa. do u mind? lol

i bet ur dream woman matches my we hav a deal?
87  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: why are nigerian men polygamous in nature on: 28-07-2008 01:16 PM
why are nigerian men polygamous in nature?

i want 2 believe dt polygamy is a thing of d mind,man in nature is not polygamous else God wld hav created another woman 4 Adam wen Eve disobayed God, but he didn't!
  so i dont think it has anything 2 do wt Nigerian men... its all abt u!
88  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: having kids on: 28-07-2008 01:04 PM
as many as God gives me... say lik 12?
89  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Who is your dream man/woman on: 28-07-2008 12:48 PM
Who is your dream man?

God fearing(SHLD BE A CATHOLIC),must hav prospects,Tall,fair in complexion,plumpy(not 2 fat),intelligent,hav a large heart,moderately sexy,,4rm Delta state,Financailly stable(@least,a house,a car and a steady job/business),must likes outing and site seeing.
 am i asking 4 2 much?
90  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Can a man cry for a woman on: 28-07-2008 12:09 PM
Can a man cry for a woman?

if one can cry wen he looses his pet dog or cat dn tell me y u cannot cry 4 a woman ''a being which God took time to create''
d tear gland was made 4 a purpose,y not make good use of it?
  if u hav 2 cry bcos ur r hurting or 4 some reasonable reason,dn cry, dts one good way 2 ease urself
 i dont think d question of who one shld be crying 4 shld come up...wether it is a person,animal,place or thing
 cry,if u must!
91  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: ARE YOU A VIRGIN ? on: 28-07-2008 11:14 AM
tjbabi, oh bcos of me.......  i feel honoured. can you make it a lill more sexier, like just panties with no bra?

hey, i got u tippin, right? u r even asking 4 more pics... guy, be content wt wot u hav cos u aint gonna get even a passport 4rm me nomore,ok?
 just wanted 2 prove a point,and i hav done dt, so can we just rest d case?
92  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Who is Your Crush on NaijaPals!!! on: 28-07-2008 10:59 AM
@tjbabi, dont know you talk this much oooo.. 

sorry Dad, won't do dt no more,i ll be a good girl hence forth 'promise'
93  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: ARE YOU A VIRGIN ? on: 26-07-2008 01:40 PM
hey,check dt out
94  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: ARE YOU A VIRGIN ? on: 26-07-2008 01:30 PM
honestly i wanted to say something bad to you, i look closer at your pics, one mind tell me say you be virgin. your long skirt prove am.... u dey attend deeper life abi? wake up oooo

My dear darkocean, bcos of u,I am going to change my pic 2 sth very sexy, dt i am a virgin doesn’t mean dt I don’t knw watz up and point of correction ‘sweetheart’... pls, I am a catholic,not a deeper life member. Thanks deariee!
95  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Who is Your Crush on NaijaPals!!! on: 25-07-2008 03:54 PM
Vixenx,I hereby nominate u as d most sexy girl in naijapals, but I beg u wt God, nor spoil me. U r very close 2 arousing me,pls help d sister out. lol
96  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Who is Your Crush on NaijaPals!!! on: 25-07-2008 03:33 PM
why the insults?...i haven't seen any derogatory comments from him to why are u talking to him like this?..I don't think he's posing like that to please anyone..he's being himself and doing what he wants, so why is it any of your biz if he chooses to pose naked or with clothes?..(i love dat pic by the way)..o.k, so now does that change his pic that u have spoken?..what is the purpose in the first place if it doesn't make any change?..I love that pic, the only thing is that i wish i was in his room to see the rest of that pic in person.. wit it.

U’ve said it all… u hav a crush on typicalman. I don’t hav a problem wt dt. D bitter truth is dt I can’t fight u both, so…’u win’. I wish u guys goodluck in ur romance.
 Am out.

97  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Who is Your Crush on NaijaPals!!! on: 25-07-2008 12:43 PM
so is this the Nigerian girl way of saying you have a crush on Richie???

typicalman?no,i think it should be bushman!

Dat ur photo shows u nacked does not mean I ll hav a crush on u,ok?
 Try and were some clothes, if u can’t afford one,dn solicite 4 fund,am sure naijapals will be ready 2 part away wit  some lean cash
98  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: wots ur greatest sacrifice 4 luv?? on: 25-07-2008 12:10 PM
wots ur greatest sacrifice 4 luv??

If d guy (my lov) is 4rm naija den d highest thing wen I go fit sacrifice 4 r’am, na 2 kill fowl 4 r’am chop,afterall dt one na still sacrifice,abi?
 U nor expect me to do human sacrifice 1st 2 prove my lov.
99  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Who is Your Crush on NaijaPals!!! on: 25-07-2008 12:02 PM
Who is Your Crush on NaijaPals!!!

U mean lik crush? I ll lov 2 crush Richie bcos he cld stimes be a pain in d ass
100  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: ARE YOU A VIRGIN ? on: 25-07-2008 11:12 AM

Yes I am! and soooooooooooo wat??? Do u want 2 marry me? If yes, dn am not interested,thanks
 I nor won do until I marry,if e dey pain u, go die,
 Girls plenty but virgin scarce!
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