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Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / bad gud worse |
on: 6-08-2012 07:38 PM
| Bad: u find a porn movie in ur daughter's/son's room. Worse: u're in it.
Bad: ur children r segxwally active. Worse: With each other.
Good: The teacher likes ur son. Bad: segxwally.
Good: u go 2 see a strip show. Bad: ur daughter's the curtain raiser.
Good: ur boyfriend's exercising. Bad: So he'll fit in ur clothes.
Good: ur daughter's on the Pill. Bad: She's eleven.
Good: ur wife meets u at the door Nood. Bad: She's coming back home
Good: u dearly love ur galfriend Bad: when ur broke.
Good: u buy a DVD movie hawked at alaba Bad: it turns out to be Tellatubbies.
Bad: u buy a stolen fone. worse: worse it turns out to be ur boyfrnd's dad.
Good: u send ur girlfrnd a crazy msg Worse: u entered da wrong digits and sent it to her mum.
Bad: u claim u ar friend of someone whil in a group worse: she/he just passdby and doesnt greet u.
Good: u drive a fancy car and floss alot worse: ur just a hired driver. | | |
Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / i have a dream |
on: 2-08-2012 10:53 AM
| I have a dream that one day goodluck jonathan and iz fellow house rep wil sit in d midst of boko haram and eat popcorn together and play police and thief with bombs.
I have a dream that one day,niger militant and military will be brothers in arms.
I have a dream that one day,obasanjo will be newscaster.
I have a dream that one day tinubu will drive psp truck.
I v a dream that one day fashola,wil be d most wanted at aro.
I have dream that one day,NEPA wil be electrocuted by their bestfriend,wire.
I v a dream that one day,POLICE will become bus conductor and kill dem self over owo ile.
I have a dream that one day,dana plane will fly inside babangida house and park to take him to hell.
I have a dream that one day patience jonathan will speak one complete sentence.
I have a dream that one day honourable patrick will speak a communicable english. | | |
Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Psalm 23 in pidgin language,lol. |
on: 26-12-2011 10:11 AM
| Finally the new NIGERIA PIDGIN ENGLISH BIBLE is out. one of the popular chapter psalm 23 reads:- 1. The Lord na my shephard, i dey kampe. 2. E make me sidon for where betta dey flow and come put me next to stream make mai bodi thermacool. 3. E panel beat mai soul come spray am white, come dey lead me dey go through express road of righteousness sake of Hin name. 4. Walahi !, if I waka pass where arm robber, 419 and juju people boku, come even join okada reach valley of the shadow of death sef,mai bodi dey inside cloth. Your rod and staff nko ? Na so dem dey like back bone dey comfort me. 5. You don prepare Egusi and Pounded yam make I chop. All mai enemies dey look waa waa. You rub me for head wit vaseline intensive lotion. mai cup na River Niger wey overflow hin bank. 6. True true, betta life and mercy go gum mai back till I quench. And man pikin go tanda for God house from lai lai to lai lai. GOD ALMIGTHY NA YOU BIKO AMEN... | | | |