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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: FIGHTING OVER A WOMAN on: 25-03-2011 12:57 AM
If  they guyz are fighting becouse of a chick then there must be two reasons for that.  One: The guy didn't take the girl serious when they were courting and only realized she was a medal worth keeping after losing her.  Second: She is damned good in bed.  Take it or leave it.
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Man’s Embarrassing Secret In Court: My Wife Beats Me Up on: 25-03-2011 12:41 AM
When you are in any Relationship whether boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife it is very wrong to raise your hand on your partner.  first the day you beat your partner the respect is gone completely the love also turns into fear.  Such a relationship is wrong even and no matter what it should not happen if the power of communication is gone, then opt out please.  And get someone who will not take you to your early grave.  No be by f[/color]orce.
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Marriage Proposal From a Boxer>> Should i Say Yes? on: 25-03-2011 12:35 AM
In life there are negotiable and non-negotiable things i believe for you to even go to an extent of considering his proposal is because you love him.  under those muscles lies the man you fell in love with.  It's not about how he looks on the inside it's about how he makes you feel when you are with him.  If it feels right then it is the right thing to do.  if he has never turned you into a punching bag before then chances are he might never do it.  If you can see future with him then GO GIRL.
4  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why are men scared of pregnancy news from their babes?! on: 25-03-2011 12:26 AM
Men generally are afraid of commitment not that they don't want to accept the pregnancy but if the girl is not the marriage type( no offence here).  or they are not financially stable these are some of the things that men usually are afraid of.  again it could be due to the fact that he just wanted to hit and run but my dear be careful with such men AIDS is real.
5  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: how do you know true love on: 24-03-2011 11:59 PM
Girls true love is when he is close to you you want him closer and when he is closer you want him all the time.  He thinks and worries about you all the time.  He goes out of his way just to make you happy, he can pick up his mobile any time you ring him and if he can't then he rings you as soon as possible.  when you are going through tough period he is there for you in every way possible then thats true love.