Quote from: dolphinkate on 31-12-2009 03:33 AM
This poor man could not even escape the marriage through his death. Over his death his woman forced him to marry her. hehehe.
Sure i also dont believe, that he would have said "no". That was a joke. Cause i cant take this issue serious, marrying a death body.
Yes, there must be some advantages by law for beeing married with him. May she will get more financial assistance as widow from the government instead of beeing only single mother. And may she wanted to bear his family name, also in the name for her kids they have together with. Nevertheless this case sounds crazy.
Happy 2010!
Bear his name? well! myself am astonished about her actions, but seeing there's no materialistics interest that get me more confused; i wish u same. Sure i also dont believe, that he would have said "no". That was a joke. Cause i cant take this issue serious, marrying a death body.
Yes, there must be some advantages by law for beeing married with him. May she will get more financial assistance as widow from the government instead of beeing only single mother. And may she wanted to bear his family name, also in the name for her kids they have together with. Nevertheless this case sounds crazy.
Happy 2010!
SLIMFIT... i watched d movies last month, but i think is just a movies, or do u believe the world 'ill end in 2012 hehehe? Remember the bible said no one know the hour etc.
MUSTAF... i don't know what to tell u, but had it been u know how to browse, i would've ask u to follow link above b4 insulting..., u think everyone fake story, is not my fault if u can't browse.
LUVBUG thanx for advicing him.
HELGA since u r d only one that find it difficult to read, night school 'ill be okay for u hehehe