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81  Forum / Family / Re: Is it right for a married woman to still wear mini-skirt (Page 12) on: 11-12-2010 01:02 AM
In as much as it pleases the husband, i see nothing wrong in it, 'cos some men like seeing their wife dress hot; where am against it, is when the man (husband) doesn't buy the idea: The big question should now be, who is she dressing hot for?
82  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: How do you tell a child where babies come from? on: 11-12-2010 12:53 AM
You just need to tell him/her, when you older you ill understand it better
83  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Village Brides Vs. City Brides or Foreigner Brides (Page 16) on: 11-12-2010 12:50 AM
Quote from: TOCHI4LOVE on 11-12-2010 12:12 AM
Quote from: ajanni on 10-12-2010 11:25 PM
Quote from: nellygold on 10-12-2010 10:52 PM
As for me, blending the two is the best

you mean lling two birds with one stone Huh?

E:g Being totally dependent on the Man, when it comes to running the family, in the monetary aspect, etc; - Is not quit advisable; But if the woman is Autonomy (Independent) and at the same time, be Royal etc to the husband; that means applying the both
84  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Would you marry someone you met on Naijapals? (Page 30) on: 11-12-2010 12:31 AM
Is a personal thing shaa, there are two sides in a coin
85  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: what kind of judgement do u think is proper 4 those who rape???? on: 11-12-2010 12:27 AM
Quote from: nellygold on 10-12-2010 10:25 PM
Damn five years girl! nothing apart from passing the rest of his life in prison
86  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Igbo, Hausa or Yoruba....which one floats your boat? on: 10-12-2010 11:32 PM
Quote from: divineproject on  8-12-2010 04:15 PM
I wont pick based on tribe............I will pick based on WHO he is, what makes him HIM..............

U got it dear
87  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Will the world end in 2012? on: 10-12-2010 11:24 PM
88  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Is it ok to leave all ur money to ur pet if you have no children before u die? on: 10-12-2010 11:12 PM
Quote from: onyin on  4-12-2010 01:48 PM
then give it to bingo.its your money.

 Cheesy Onyin But how can the Bingo manage the money alone ?
89  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: DO YOU THINK AM CUTE AND SEXY???? on: 10-12-2010 11:06 PM
My dear, R/ship is not all about beauty, there might be other essential involvements, which may be depriving u, of ur R/ships: Just figure out what and what happens b4 each breakup, i think u may get a clue of what u r searching for that way......
90  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: When a woman makes the first love approach on: 10-12-2010 10:53 PM
Quote from: waco on 10-12-2010 03:59 PM
I go quickly chop and clean mouth
chop again and run!
          i go just laugh like Obj laugh Atiku

91  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Village Brides Vs. City Brides or Foreigner Brides (Page 16) on: 10-12-2010 10:52 PM
As for me, blending the two is the best
92  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Would you marry someone you met on Naijapals? (Page 28) on: 10-12-2010 10:41 PM
Being skeptical about online dating...., many couples these days these, get hooked-up online; the only thing one need to do, is to be careful about it
93  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: what kind of judgement do u think is proper 4 those who rape???? on: 10-12-2010 10:25 PM
Damn five years girl! nothing apart from passing the rest of his life in prison
94  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WITH UR HUSBAND TO BE on: 10-12-2010 10:21 PM
Quote from: bittersweet on  9-12-2010 04:37 PM
Nowadays, it's very common, but I ,personally, don't agree with it!
But everybody is free to do what they want with their lives!

95  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: RETURN THE RING AFTER TWO YEARS. (Page 13) on: 10-12-2010 10:12 PM
I think the should have a serious chat, before trowing-in the towel
96  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: WILL THE WORLD ACTUALLY CHANGE IN 2012? on: 2-10-2010 09:08 PM
Quote from: ksurrina on  2-10-2010 06:41 PM
Please to go and read your bible. Stop listening to worldly wisdom and abide by what the bible say. Make sure the bible you are reading is the King James Version because the others are now conform to the world and a lot of the verses are being omitted.

I know, but if you go through the write up you will see that its has Bible backups, the Bible equally said that there will be many changes to indicate the last days, since these days there's been strange things happening every now and then, that's why i feel they may be right   
97  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: WILL THE WORLD ACTUALLY CHANGE IN 2012? on: 2-10-2010 09:03 PM
Quote from: cadanre on  2-10-2010 06:54 PM
The world is constantly chaning. The world of yesterday is not like the world of today, and the world of today will not be like the world of tomorrow, continuously.................................................

Yea but the thing that astonish me about this 2012, its  dated and timed is being stated, which is  Dec. 21 at 11:11am
98  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / WILL THE WORLD ACTUALLY CHANGE IN 2012? on: 2-10-2010 06:00 PM
 Christianity (2nd coming of Christ)

* The I-Ching calendar

* The Celts

* The Web Bot Oracle

* Judaism (ancient scriptures refer to the "end of days." the
coming of the Messiah bringing the Messianic Ages of universal peace)

* Hinduism (the end of the current dark Kali Yuga age)

* Buddhism (the coming of the next Buddha, Maitreya)

* Islam (return of the Madhi to defeat Masih ad-Dajjal -- the
"Imposter Messiah" -- bringing in a golden age of peace on earth
before the Final Judgment)

* Maoris (Say that as the veils dissolve there will be a merging
of the physical & spiritual worlds)

* Zulu (Believe that the whole world will be turned upside down)

* Dogon (Say that the spaceship of the visitors, the Nommo, will return
in the form of a blue star)

* Pueblo (Acknowledges 2012'll be the emergence into the Fifth World)

* Cherokee (Their ancient calendar also ends exactly at 2012)

* Tibetan (Kalachakra teachings are prophesies left by Buddha
predicting coming of the Golden Age.)

* Egypt (According to the Great Pyramid (stone calendar), present time
cycle ends in year 2012 AD)

* Scientists (by describing the effects of climate change, pollution
and other environmental destruction)

* Communists (the anti-religion religion) -- because they believe the
workers will eventually overthrow capitalists. The words of The
Internationale connote an apocalypse ("Tis the final conflict, let each
stand in his place, The international working class shall be the human
race") The last line doesn't leave any room for even the existence
of capitalists.

It's obvious that human beings of all times and places have expected
an end to the world as we currently know it, even though this was not
possible through human means until the spread of nuclear
weapons following World War II.

You have to wonder why that is.

It can't be genetic -- because beliefs cannot be recorded or
transmitted by DNA. Beliefs are not instincts, like a baby's fear of falling.

So if a belief in a final destruction followed by the world's rebirth
is not an intrinsic part of our bodies -- why is it present in almost
every human culture of the past thousands of years?

Yet most people choose to ignore what will happen in 2012, going about
their daily business as though life as we know it will never
change -- when the truth is, life as we know it has never STOPPED changing.

And those changes are speeding up, as foretold in the book FUTURE SHOCK by
Alvin Toffler in 1970, a year which already feels like a million years ago.

Can everybody be wrong? Will the world just continue on? Will
December 21, 2012 be just another day of the Earth spinning on its axis
as it revolves around the sun?
99  Forum / Religion / Re: 'No Tithe, No wedding' - Pastor Adeboye declares at Redeemed on: 24-09-2010 09:00 PM
Quote from: Pepesy on 24-09-2010 09:31 AM
Yes, paying tithe is in d bbl but never by force. does it mean we keep 2 evrythng in d bbl? it is nt evrythng in d bb we keep. peep fornicate here nd there even in d church, steal, pastors rap etc all these re forbidden in d bbl but peep commit them. why cant pastor make it compulsory dat any defaulter of God's words in d bbl shall nt be wedded nor receive any form of assistance frm d church? Now it's only tithe he wnts 2 make compulsory cos its source of revenue 2 him.
paying tithe is btw tithe payer and his God period.

I tire o, is now by fire by force, No tithe = No wedding, No post......; wondes shall never end
100  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Goodluck Jonathan Declaration Video on: 24-09-2010 08:25 PM
Quote from: ksurrina on 23-09-2010 05:33 AM
Quote from: onyin on 22-09-2010 08:58 PM
He's the choosen one.May God bless you and protect you Mr President.Please come take Nigeria to the promise land and make our nation great.And those evil ones,God pass una oooooooooo.Its time up for you guys.

Can an unholy man takes God Creation to the Promise Land. I believe that this job was already been done by Jesus Christ. If Nigerians are waiting to be taken to the Promise Land then am here to look and laugh ooo. No unholy man never done it before and so none will. Apparently some people doesn't understand that the Promise Land meant the New World. Even the Children of Israel never finished the task that was giving to them by God and so they never receive the Promise Land. lol lol Anyway stop placing HOPES in man, this is the reason no Government performed well because the citizens placed their hopes in them and God is showing them that THEIR HOPES ARE IN HIM. He is the only LORD. The biblical meaning for LORD is provider. 

Pray for the leaders and stop placing hopes in them. God the one and only Lord is our Provider! Learn to trust Him through His Son Jesus Christ.

I think we need to be optimistic sometimes, not always  being pessimistic; if u start searching for someone that's holy..; who could that be?
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