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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Can you marry a poor guy on: 5-02-2009 09:14 AM
i have no problem with getting married to a poor man. After all a rich man can loose his money very fast. and if a woman only get married for money and not for love all she has left when he looses it is Nothing!! Love is the most important thing in this world!!
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: wat do u think about sex b4 marriage on: 10-07-2008 10:29 AM
I think it up to yourself if you want to save your self for marriage or not.
I started way to young i know that I don't regret not waiting i just regret the age i was in.
But i was young and stupid believing the guys lies. so i did my best teaching my daughters the
the things guys will say to get you in bed. and they were older then me then when they started.
i say before you get married you have to make sure that you are happy with that person in every way. If you are not happy with the sex life in your marriage, you will start looking else where to get what you are missing.
And from the christian point of view. I do believe that God made a special person for each one of us. but sometimes we do not find that person right away. It took me 39 years to find my true love. And what about the days before Moses, Adam and Eve and all that. God putt people on this earth way before them. there were no churches and temples to get married in. a man just picked a woman and had her as his live partner. So actually as soon as to hearts find each other and you feel, that is your mate you are married in your heart.
3  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Any igbo Man...Check this out on: 9-07-2008 09:31 AM
well i live in Germany and school is free here only Private schools and collage you have to pay for.
but most kids here can't make it in collage or just don't want to go. here you only have to go to collage if you want to be a doctor;lawyer,or teacher and so on. to be a nurse you can learn that on the job and school on the side that will take 4 years. our school system is different. since we pay a lot of taxes to the government for things like school to be payed for. but also everything is controlled by the government. you can not do much without them knowing. i just hate Germany.
4  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Any igbo Man...Check this out on: 5-07-2008 06:32 PM
Quote from: DrSmile on 23-06-2008 03:44 PM
Quote from: lady on 20-06-2008 08:58 AM
well i must say not everybody is crazy about money. i am not. i don't care about money, my man don't have to have money to be with me and marrie me. love is more important to me. all i need is food and a roof over my head.

Na today?

yes why not? is it so strange that a person does not care about money?
5  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Any igbo Man...Check this out on: 20-06-2008 08:58 AM
well i must say not everybody is crazy about money. i am not. i don't care about money, my man don't have to have money to be with me and marrie me. love is more important to me. all i need is food and a roof over my head.
6  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: The 22 things to do to drive men crazy!! on: 17-09-2007 10:44 AM
Well being a woman i still say"If i would be a man i would never stay with a woman that would act like that." thats just simply childish. my daughter of 14 does things like that but not a woman or at leased she  should not.
7  Forum / Forum Games / Re: What Does Ur Name Means?????????! on: 3-09-2007 09:03 AM
C = Really easy to fall in Love with
O = Really easy to fall in Love with
R = Can kick your butt
I = Love to laugh
N = good girlfriend
N = good girlfriend
A = Drop dead Gorgeous

P = Popular with all types of people
A = Drop dead Gorgeous
Y = Loved by everybody
N = good girlfriend
E = Beautifull Eyes

well i guess that really is me. Hm thats funny. Grin Grin Grin
8  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: 23 ways to make (a) your girl smile on: 8-08-2007 10:28 PM
 a man can not impress me with money!!!!!
9  Forum / Forum Games / Re: When Was The Last Time You: on: 2-08-2007 11:43 PM
can't remember!

when was the last time you got drunk?
10  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: 23 ways to make (a) your girl smile on: 31-07-2007 10:59 AM
All those 23 things would just make me melt like butter in the sun!!! Grin Grin Grin
11  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Pls, advise me!!! on: 31-07-2007 10:54 AM
well i think you all should get together and talk to each other. your boyfriend should let his ex know that he is planing on marrying you. and he should tell her that wile you are there. and you really need to trust him. because if you don't he will cheat on you. if you always acuse him he will give you the reason too. I hope it all works out for you. God bless you.
12  Forum / Forum Games / Re: When Was The Last Time You: on: 24-07-2007 10:50 PM
1 hour ago!!

whwn was the last time you kissed?Huh?