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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: mohammed yusuf boko haram leader killed on: 4-08-2009 11:07 AM
one particular thing amased me most: he dosent have a reason.  Nigeria is mostly populated by muslims. hence,he was nt just happy wt peace. what a man or should I say what an interpretation of the so called"word of God"

one particular thing made me happy
: so many muslims dont support the killer

some particular things may be the outcome
: The alqeda network could start makin seriou plans to attack the country.

But im sure of one particular thing: this is not right in God's sight.
God bless nigeria
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / who cheats best? on: 5-07-2008 02:22 AM
Who is the best of the best of the best in cheating? boys or girls
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHO'S THE MOST HANDSOME GUY ON NAIJAPAL??? on: 5-07-2008 02:17 AM
the finest dont show there pictures Kiss Kiss