P. M. R 1000, A ROCHUKWU
30TH September, 2013
The Chairman Governing Council
We sorrowfully draw your attention to the under listed areas through which our Provost DR C N Nwarnuo has enriched himself to our detriment and jeopardized the growth and development of our College:
1. Taxes and rates deducted from staff salaries are not remitted to the government agencies. See Report and Accounts of the College for the year ended 31st December, 2011. Also visit Board of Internal Revenue in Arochukwu for 2009 - 2012 unremitted taxes already deducted from workers’ salaries which is N71.5m
2. Embezzlement of subventions and salaries for example June - August salaries amounting to N60m are not yet paid even when the state government has released subventions to the college for all the months. (See appendix 2 as attached, Also call for audited accounts of the college 2009 – 2012)
3. There is non-remittance of staff welfare scheme loan repayments deducted from staff salaries amounting to over N80m to the appropriate banks (see appendix 3 and 4; see also Union Bank, First Bank, Assess Bank for update.}
4. Union dues deducted from workers' salaries are not remitted to the unions for over two years now (see appendix one, five and six as attached).
5. Disappearance/loss of college properties, namely, computers, E – Library facilities, tricycles, cars and buses, most of which have been traced to the Provost Dr. C N. Nwarnuo (see appendix 7 as attached).
6. Appointment of Deans/Heads of Academic Departments (HODs) and Heads of Administrative Units without basing them on merit of experience/rank, qualifications and abilities (see his appointment as attached (

7. Mismanagement of TETFUND projects and facilities, recommending his private company which is grossly incompetent, unregistered and very new for the award of many millions of TETFUND projects. (Ref. the Former Council Chairman of the College. Han. Chibuzor Ejimagwa) (9).
8. Indiscriminate employment with the spirit of favoritism and without recourse to any existing procedure thereby inflating the College wage bills. More than fifty staff from 2010 - 2013 were singlehandedly employed by the Provost without the consent or approval of the Governing Council. (see samples as attached 10).
9. Samples of wrong placement and over payment of salaries to some staff (12)
10. Indiscriminate establishment of illegal/unapproved study centres up to twenty five. (See attached 13)
11. Withdrawing workers' salaries without query or warning letters, Dismissal/suspension of workers without following due process and with the intent to covet their salaries (see attachment 14).
12. The management claims that it cannot pay salaries because students owe over 34M. One may ask how much was the unpaid school fees which Dr Nwamuo inherited from his predecessor. Why should students owe much more in Nwamuo’s regime even with a far lesser number of students who are forced to pay their school fees before writing examination? We must also state that internally generated revenue ( school fees) had never been used in paying staff salaries. Internally generated revenues are always squandered or used for private investment immediately they are collected.
Sir, you can therefore see the length of time for which ASCETA staff have been deprived of their honest wages, made to face the harsh realities of poverty; reduced to the level of indigence begging for food and dying one by one as a result of hunger and starvation. our very existence has been threatened for so long a time. Initially our fate, comfort and survival were cushioned by the state government giving us a little hope that one day the government (though far from us) will be able to realize how deep the wound of denial of our means of livelihood burns in our hearts. From the history of our subvention/salary shackles you can also see that the Abia State Government has been able to extricate itself from reasons for our financial distemper, suffering and death.
But now the most provoking dimension of denial of our means of fair labour is that a man who rose from among us as the provost of the college has with impunity coveted our monthly salaries. We watch him buy series of cars, build mansions, erect hostels, hotels, filling station, owe companies and acquire hectares of land with our wages. We watch him lobby to be returned for a second tenure and parade amazing set of security outfit with our salaries to threatened/intimidate us, and how long shall we endure these?