Cos they don't want to be taken advantage of,taken to be a cheap gal and don't want to give to just any guy ......smilessss
let me just if ure makin sense .....
NO u aint ,,, pls try again ..
I think his making pretty good sense
Do u want to answer him or u wanna go round attacking the young man? Joining Kenne and Mazi to be mean doesnt mean they will notice u? Oh my bad
!! they already have noticed u!!
So get a life. This forum I beliv is not about attacking pple's personality or typo error(which by the way we all make). He asked a pretty legit question. Why do we hide our feelings? So pls answer it!!!!!
i no need any xson to notice me pls...
i to tell u the fact he doesnt make sense to me cos tas not the reason
maybe it might be for u ... but not for me .. tas y i said its not
im on my own ... mazi and kennee is not followin me nor me followin dem ...
we just dey jam for road.. lol
so wenever i see sometin im not ok wit i oppose
if u have probs wit tat den we sort tat out ...
but for the moment u respect ur way and i respect mine ....
if wat i think is not ok wit u
u can still look pass it
but as for me if i someone is not cool wit me i say sometin for dem to see my own point of view tas y its called forum ... where we share our points of view..
im cool now but not for next time .. so look away where i type if u gat notin to add to it ..
dont act too sabi sabi na .. cos we are here to talk and also to have fun ...
wen i say his doesnt make sense doesnt mean im insultin him or tellin him he doesnt know wat he's sayin
only tat wat he said doesnt make sense to me and if he could prove tat to me fine if not i remain wit my own knowkedge ok gal ... so try to understand b4 u pop on me anytin... capito .!!!
Philo,why you dey show yourself ? I made sense to myself and to the reasonable people on this forum .I wrote a word that was wiped of in my sentence .... If you know what I mean ...I said they don't want to be taken advantage of,taken to be a cheap girl and the last one goes like this...they don't want to just give any guy some P.U.S.S.I.E.S. ...if e dey pain you ,make e pain you. Me ,I go yarn , Me I go speak my mind ......I hope I made myself clear PHILOO