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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Help What does she want? on: 5-03-2011 11:57 PM
Hello Naijapalis,
I have this question bothering me, I met a girl mistakingly on facebook recently when she mistakingly send me a friend request  I too I added thinking one of my skool friends, so I called her that day I added her to my friend list. Everyday when she wakeup b4 leaving for school she always call to say good morning and every night before going to bed at night she always call to say gud night.
When she discoverd that I 'm not the person she intend to send the request to she continue to call me and she start to do some background checking on me by going through my profile, my post, friends post on my wall and asking me questions concerning my profile. Sometimes she tells me about her friends, family. I don't know what she told her mum but she told me her mum told her to stop talking to me. the question now is what does she want? last month she was my magic number. She quarrels with me last week for not wish her good luck in her exams whuch i forgot.
plz can anybody tell me what she want from all this.
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Help I don't understand her game with me on: 2-01-2011 11:15 AM
Hello pips
There is this gal that we have been friend for close to 4yrs.I proposed to her early 2009,but  she told she has a boyfriend,then I decided to drop her from my list but she always complain everytime I don't call her for more than 2wks.and anytime I invited her out she always turn me down by given me one excuse or the other.
plz I am feed up with her excuses.cos I luv her, what do suggest I do?