girl i love u for that u too muchThe people of Niger delta revolted and we understand what the are talking about because they provide 95% of the total money we (including aboki's) squander in this country.
What is boko haram going to bring on the table to make us listen to them?
Where are all the aboki's here? make una come answer ooo.
What do you guys have to offer? this matter don pass shoe shining, selling of carrot, suya, sugar cane, gworo(kola nut), doing gate man or abokilistic manicure and pedicure. The koko of the matter is; what reasonable thing do you guys have to offer? The only thing you fools have offered us so far, is bomb and sharia.
sharia na by force? We've enriched una pocket, give una money to buy tooth paste to brush teeth, and all you guys can reward us with is to kill our people, destroy our houses(even our place of worship) and bring down our businesses.
This is my question to all the aboki's here on naijapals: What the bloody hell are you fools going to contribute to the growth and development of Nigeria? The answer is simple; absolutely nothing!! Therefore, divided we stand, united we fall. Some day, either una like am or not, Nigeria must divide.