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21  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Black couple give birth to white baby- See the Pictures on: 22-05-2011 06:44 AM
na waooooooooPlease they should take a DNA test to settle the matter
22  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: RESIGNED IF YOUR TIRED SAID MY BOSS: PLEASE ADVICE on: 12-05-2011 04:52 AM
just look for some thing else to do what a wicked and heart less man and the business will soon colaps
23  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Michael Ikenna Nduanya (Nigerian) to be executed in Vietnam By Firing Squad on: 10-04-2011 03:51 PM
may God have mercy on him
24  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: New Video of Human Trafficking From Edo State to Italy Hits The Internet on: 10-04-2011 03:08 PM
this is a big shame to Nigeria people expecially Edo state that is just their main occupation. most of the parent don't want to give their female girls a good education emmediately they grew up they send them to Italy that is their head  quater for prostition. I Amadin i have withness how the girls are sufering over there in Itally they stand on the road morning till night some sleep with more than ten men in a day i have see how they stand nicked on the street is only day time you see them wearing bra and pants in the night they stand necked i have see those things with my eyes i have go round almost to the whole part of Europe to see the life of Edo girls in Europe I begin to take a view from Belgium? Holand,Germany,Austria,Spain,France,Switzerland Luxemborg. this is where i have notice how Nigeria girls even the boys are sufering infact in all part of Europe. In all this we are trying to reveal to people will not beat down the mind of those who are still zealous to come to Europe. Europe can only change your Name to Akaterian in the mouth of ignorance. there are alot of Akaterians who can not aford 5 Euro credit card on phone some of them sleep under the Bridge Here in Europe. some of them will be lucky to see a woman that will give hime accomodation. When you see them walking on the street they look like a madman and a madwoman. And all these women whos involve in human tracficking, A reprot came to me yesterday from  Spain through a girl whos is force to pay exstral to her charges and she told me how madam is dedicated to Christ. madam whose has 15 girls. most of them here in Europe are deacons and deaconess in most of the Europeans churches they operate a high post in the house of God after swearing with peoples lifes. I witch every one can come together to put a stop to this. But it is inposble to straight a bending dry fish.
25  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: 12 year-old schoolgirl gives birth on school trip. on: 1-04-2011 11:30 AM
Na woa wonders shall never end well, the word is comming to an end. Before is dificult for a gilr of 15 to start seein her mestration but now adays 9 years is even long for them to start seein it just imaging. hun......... what a bad word we are living how can some one impregnate such a little girl of 12. He just destroy  the life of that little girl Well this will sand as a warning to every one who are careless with their children Trust no one about 100 percent of men in this word 10 per are normal 90 are very gek and stom you parent who have children whon give children to your neighbour to look after stop it right now take care of your children don't let your children lack parental responsibility and a parental care this is my advise to every who have been falling a victism of this instruction.
26  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Koko Mansion Finalist Chidinma Dies At 22 on: 26-03-2011 09:44 AM
may her soul rest in peace
27  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Top female Rapper (@kelonline), Kelechi Ohia "KEL", Enmeshed In Exams Fraud on: 25-03-2011 08:24 AM
Mr lecturer just shut up your dirty mouth is  it because the girl din't  bribe you, or do you think every body that she the only one that involve in this act? i belive no one will be stom as that will belive that they all write the exame with theur brain ? even you the lecturer can not even seat for the exame?. What a pulblic assult from a Dwaas. gek and dom lecturer even president or govnor senator who can't even spell their name can receive result from you. stom lecturer
28  Forum / Sports / Re: Michael Essien father James Essien disowns him? on: 16-03-2011 04:21 AM
This is unbelivable word  foot ballers by the what is this word turning to your own dad no mater what happens
you have to forgive him. Na woa..... what a bayas heart. Bros you have to change other wise this may distroy your
name word wilde and not only naija pals users when you continue like this
29  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Tsunami hit Japan Today!!! The signs of 21. 12 .2012.. END TIME on: 13-03-2011 08:09 PM
mmmmmm  Na wa Ooooooooooooooo thousands of lifes is gone my their soul rest in pe
30  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Tsunami hit Japan Today!!! The signs of 21. 12 .2012.. END TIME on: 13-03-2011 08:08 PM
mmmmmm  Na wa Ooooooooooooooo thousands of lifes is gone my their soul rest in pe
31  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Naija lady shot to death in dallas on: 11-03-2011 09:22 AM
May  her gentle soul RIP
32  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Woman Marries Her Dog In Ghana on: 11-03-2011 09:12 AM
I think she has be dissapointed by thousands of men that is why she discided to marie her dog but that is a slecht ideal to marie her dog she should have remain a spinster than to marie her dog. She have brought bad name to ghana
33  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHY DO NIGERIANS ALWAYS JET OFF ABOARD TO DELIVER? on: 11-03-2011 09:04 AM
May be the don't want their children to withness the bad things they have commitet in Nigeria. because they know what they turn Nigeria into. But that is fullishness gek
34  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Kennis Music Signs TuFace Look Alike on: 1-03-2011 06:42 AM
Na wetin
35  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: The nigerian police and bail on: 28-02-2011 05:41 AM
I dont rely think that will be posible for Nigeria police even when some one is not guity they must still collect their bail fees i dont think is some thing they can put a stop to. 
36  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Yoruba Movies Are Not Popular – Powerful Uche Jumbo on: 28-02-2011 05:29 AM
Yes my dear it is true Especialy this naijapals movies infact  they should delet those Yoruba movies because here in europe we only understand english movie not Yoruba
37  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 499 Nigerians flown back from Libya on: 28-02-2011 05:18 AM
you guys are wellcome back home live Libya for Gadafi.  And if i ask what is even in tripoli that make you guys to live you country to unsave country na   waoooooooooooooooo
i relly wonder how you people live there and survive. my country people relax your mind and look for something els to do in nigeria
38  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 28 Nigerians deported from S/A arrive Lagos on: 26-02-2011 10:04 AM
You guys are welcome back home just relax your mind and look for some  thing els to do
39  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: University Of Benin Shut Down on: 25-02-2011 03:07 AM
Well i have to remain silent to see their next action
40  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Lagos, one of the worst cities to live in on: 24-02-2011 10:55 PM
Up Lagos at least this will make Lagos popular
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