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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Relationships sparks on: 20-12-2009 09:05 PM
You attend to that which the heart desires, so if attetion has been diverted what has it gone to, there in you will find the answer to what has happened. Then you must determine if it is a relationship worth fighting for. if it is work and careers, then one must make all the time they have quality time. You have to remember you love each other and if you have plans to be together ,then you want to make that time as enjoyable as possible. Winding down from a long days work with good food, drinks, music, bathing, or just quietly resting with each other, let's not  forget how refreshing it is to worship together and pray together. It is a delight to see the one you love praising God.
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: what do u think i should do on: 20-12-2009 08:58 PM
Young man be true to yourself, she is not what you need in your life. First things first when you met her she was already heavily involved with someone, even so she decided to take you fotr a ride. Is that the action of a responsible woman. your self esteem seems to be pretty low, why would you settle to be second in line knowing there is no future in it. Have you been rejected and felt unloved by your family and have dedcided any love is better than nothing at all. STOP, if you a re a believer I advise you to get to church meet with a strong brother in the Lord that can advicse and pray with you for deliverance from the soul ties that you have made. The bible says he that finds a wife finds a good thing, not he that finds a woman. So take heed as you seek out the next person for your life what are her characters, are they what you want , then if all is well take your time. Much love
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: nigerian men living abroad on: 20-12-2009 08:28 PM
Is it that Nigerian men that only steal a woman's heart and dump them? I do not think so, in actuality all men do it at one time or another irregardless of their race. In regards to Naija men , there are some that enter relationships with their hearts and make wonderful husbands. Then there are those who enter into contractual relationships for green cards, and in my opinion they suffer themselves , because they usually choose real rghetto woman that can be bought for a couple grand and monthly stipends. She in turn causes all kind of havoc and hell for him ,so the whole time he suffers himself in mmadness to get that coveted green card. Then there is the Sweet talking ,gift giving one who sweeps her off her feet into a world wind of an affair and quick marriage, all for the coveted green card in which she will happily help him get, all for him to bring his wife from home posted up as his sister. i can say all these things because i personally have witnessed them face to face. As for the one who got with you then dropped you, ask yourself why. Were you good to him, were you a clean housekeeper, were you rude and disrespectful, maybe abit demanding. Did you turn up your nose at what he was eating, or ask what's that funky smell while he was cooking goat or dry fish. Were you insecure when he was amongst his own people, or was it that all you really had in common was in the bedroom and outside of the bedroom you had no relationship. Those are a few reasons that they leave and marry someone from home. Much love to the Naija that keeps it real, and for that matter to all men that keep it real!