Actually Friday is Freyja-day, from the Aesir faith; and Tuesday is Tyr's Day and Wednesday is Woden's Day. The Asatru are growing in number too, and we will not bend the knee to the desert religions - ever.
But you can bend your knee to the Sun Religion.
We don't beg the Aesir for miracles. We leave the grovelling for the sheeple.
There is no sin. Sex is a natural act and should not be denied to those with the physical and mental maturity to understand it. Sin is the creation of those who would control through denial.
Actually Friday is Freyja-day, from the Aesir faith; and Tuesday is Tyr's Day and Wednesday is Woden's Day. The Asatru are growing in number too, and we will not bend the knee to the desert religions - ever.