They should stop disturbing man of GOD senior prophet Tb Joshua,let the Nigerian government say the truth what happened to scoan cos they knew it.
The truth is obvious - TBJ got greedy, thought the rules didn't apply to him, and things went horribly wrong, and he's trying to wriggle out of responsibility.
Also, that plane in the photo (looks like a big transport, maybe a Hercules) not only can't hover, but it couldn't do any damage from that height just by flying past.
What a heap of rubbish... segxwality isn't affected by any germs or bugs. It's hard-wired into your brain. No-one chooses to be straight or gay. I didn't choose to be bisegxwal. That "cure" is a blatant lie.
Bigoted much, or just childish and stupid? Anyone insults Nigerians the way you just insulted Australians, and you'd be frothing at the mouth and spewing out curses. I'll just call you what you are.
He's talking rubbish, and I'm Australian so I know whereof I speak. I'm afraid to say that to most people I know, Nigeria is synonymous with scam emails, which is sad.
Austria women marrying Nigeria guys does not work and your salary will be send to her Bank account directly at end of every month.
Austria is not Australia, duh-brain. Oh, and you suck bigtime.
Every disaster summons forth more and more liars to make capital out of peoples' suffering, and as long as there are those willing to believe, the liars will prosper and thrive.
In how many ways is that article wrong or plain deluded? There is lie after lie, flatulent outbursts of senseless conspiracy drivel, and the belief that since Nigeria is the centre of his universe, it must be the centre of everyone else's.
I suspect that someone invented that witch-bird story to cover up why that woman was attacked and sent on fire, and also invented what she was supposed to have said. The worst part is that people are believing that total load of shite about her being a witch..