Poster stop spoiling people to gain money, that picture is very old, it is before she became an evangelist ... Let everyone be wise and try to find out on an issue before commenting. God bless all of us
Biblically it's true and the bible does not lie because it speaks of the long run and eternity, but on the other way round my brooooooooooooooooooo, kasala fit burst for your head ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Enjoyyyyyyyyyyy
I've just learn t something today, i've always been wondering why dguy is a friend or almost a friend to every naijapals. It's good to know that he is the founder of this website. I would like to get more information as related to this.
u go fear fear na, we naija nobody fit bi like us, that is hhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn we toooooooooooo much. A BIG SHOUT TO ALL NAIJA. Make una congratulate unaself say una bi naija.