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1  Forum / Sports / 100,000 signatures to boot NFA charlatans out of glass house!! on: 15-02-2008 10:34 PM
Guys, I dont know about you but I am tired of always going back to the drawing board anytime we fail at a competition. O ther African countries are moving up and we are going down slowly. We fire a coach, hire a world class, fire him, and the cycle continues yet our football and in truth, the country go down.

I am proposing that we compile 100,000 signatures or more and send this to the Presidency. maybe he will listen to us and sack those idiots and maybe now put round pegs in round holes.
If you are with me, please reply to this post

2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Why are all Nigerian looking for every opportunity to leave??? on: 29-01-2008 01:55 AM
There is nothing wrong in leaving Naija for 'greener' pastures in the aim is tocome back some day and rebuild the land. I am proud of naija, and I think it is totally unfair for us to critisize when we've done nothing but bad mouth OUR own country..havent we recieved enough bad mouth from 'others' already?

remember, Martin Luther fought that u may live a normal life in the US, UK,etc not as slaves but as equals. We need people to make sacrifices for Naija not for us to be armchair critics. I love my naija and when I finish my masters, I wanna go back home and build my country. Come to think of it, Naija no be human being the people wey be Naijas make up Naija and if we allow hooligans to continue to wreck our land by doing nothing, who are we to criticize??

ps: think about this: we have over a hundred thousand Naijas outside Nigeria...if these hundred thousand come together and contribute 100dollars every month (10million dollars a month) and invest in building private refineries, airline,banking, and helping the less priviledged in Naija, iagine what will happen in that country in 5-10 years time...? thats just what a 100thousand people can do. Imagine what a million Naijas in diaspora can do.....?
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: 23 ways to make (a) your girl smile on: 23-01-2008 10:37 PM
1. Tell her she is beautiful or gorgeous(not fine, or sexy) -- what if she's not? that means uld b lying??

2 . Hold her hand at any moment . . even if its just for a second. -- a second!!! too long mate

3 . Kiss her on the forehead/ neck. --- cos her lips are messed up?

4 . Leave her voice messages to wake up to. at 20p/min? wat happend to 5p txt messages?(tmobile mates rate)

5 . When she is upset, hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you. ---beans!?

6 . Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most. --- like her tiny tits?

7 . Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with. --- yeah especially when ure if shes a good cook

8 . Write her notes. (she loves them) -- u mean maths 301 or phys 102 notes?

9 . Introduce her to family and friends . . . as your girlfriend. -- ive introduced 27 others!

10 . Play with her hair... if she's not bald!!:)

11 . Pick her up, tickle her, and play-wrestle with her. ---all the time....on the bed!

12 . Sit in the park and just talk to her. ----- nah..too cold outside

13 . Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, or just tell her jokes.   like 'y did the chicken cross d road' jokes?

14 . Let her fall asleep in your arms. --- is she a baby?

15 . If she's mad at you, kiss her. ---dats dangerous!! wat if she bites my lips off?!!

16 . Give her piggyback rides. --- she be pikin???

17 . Bring her flowers ----- lol Smiley hibiscus or periwinkle!!!...lollllllllllllll

18 . Treat her the same around your friends as you do when your alone.--- thatl be free porn!

19 . Look her in the eyes and smile.  --- shel think im laffing at her...

20 . Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants.   ah! for naija? u wan make she take am go baba for ijebu? na love potion b dat o!

21 . Kiss her in the rain. --- wat happened to the bright and clear sunshine?Huh?

22 . If your in love with her . . . tell her. -----and if i dont....?

23. Play a song for her most likely on a guitar ---- ild sound like obj delivering the annual budget!!
4  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: PIGIN ENGLISH? on: 23-01-2008 10:06 PM
Y does it have to be anybody's language..isnt that the reason we (or rather I) am advocating a new lingo? I still think pigin is good. Lets think in the long run not short run. Our fathers and mothers may not understand but in some years to come, dey wont be here no more and can i safely say, most of us can speak pigin? And pls common...even in the north, people speak english. think..if you want to speak with an uneducated nigerian in naija today, woldnt u speak in english? Im really serious about this issue...American s came up with American english, y cant we have our own english, something that unifies us. Whether people of other races understand it or not is not an issue. The fact that if I go to France, i have to learn french to communicate, den people should b prepared to learn our 1 language and not learn yoruba in west, ibo in east, hausa in north to communicate.....
5  Forum / Forum Games / Kiss or Pass on: 23-01-2008 01:01 AM
ok this is a crazy thread. i saw it somewhere n im kinda copying it. all you have to do is to kiss or pass the person above u ie..would u kiss the person above u on th thread..if yes, then enter 'kiss' if no, enter 'pass'.

well since im the first person and obiously yheres noone above me, then..ill
6  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / PIGIN ENGLISH? on: 22-01-2008 06:19 PM
I think that one of the ways causing to a revival in Naija is by uniting all Naijas, home and abroad. One way of doing this is to 'officially declare pigin as Naija's first language'. That way, person no need go school dey form fone and e go reduce all the forming wey we dey like form wen we travel commot for naija come back. I also believe say ehn, d tin go unify us more as a people and a Nation. One People, One Language, One voice.
Example...c as Naijas everywhere dey quick wake up and show up once dem hear Naija slangs like 'No long tin' or 'Notin dey happen'...I no know o..but na my view be dat...

Over to u...................
7  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: the stupidiest questions asked about Nigeria!! on: 22-01-2008 06:15 PM
this one is really funny-- They ask me 'where are you from' and I reply..Nigeria. Next thing is....'your English is pretty good'. lol...English is our Official language!!!
(on that note however guys what do you think..I think we should make 'pigin english' our official language in Naija..Ill post that thred)
8  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST NIGHT LIKE? on: 22-01-2008 05:55 PM
for me, im not married but I should be soon maybe in 2/3 years.. but I expect my first nite to be a bit nervy cos its gonna be my first time...n if its my wife's cant imagine wats gonna happen.Smiley...but i expect it to be 'EXPLOSIVE'..but if my wife's done it b4, especially if she's good at it, then I expect to be a very willing;)