1. Tell her she is beautiful or gorgeous(not fine, or sexy) -- what if she's not? that means uld b lying??
2 . Hold her hand at any moment . . even if its just for a second. -- a second!!! too long mate
3 . Kiss her on the forehead/ neck. --- cos her lips are messed up?
4 . Leave her voice messages to wake up to. at 20p/min? wat happend to 5p txt messages?(tmobile mates rate)
5 . When she is upset, hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you. ---beans!?
6 . Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most. --- like her tiny tits?
7 . Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with. --- yeah especially when ure hungry..ie if shes a good cook
8 . Write her notes. (she loves them) -- u mean maths 301 or phys 102 notes?
9 . Introduce her to family and friends . . . as your girlfriend. -- ive introduced 27 others!
10 . Play with her hair... lol...ie if she's not bald!!:)
11 . Pick her up, tickle her, and play-wrestle with her. ---all the time....on the bed!
12 . Sit in the park and just talk to her. ----- nah..too cold outside
13 . Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, or just tell her jokes. like 'y did the chicken cross d road' jokes?
14 . Let her fall asleep in your arms. --- is she a baby?
15 . If she's mad at you, kiss her. ---dats dangerous!! wat if she bites my lips off?!!
16 . Give her piggyback rides. --- she be pikin???
17 . Bring her flowers ----- lol

hibiscus or periwinkle!!!...lollllllllllllll
18 . Treat her the same around your friends as you do when your alone.--- thatl be free porn!
19 . Look her in the eyes and smile. --- shel think im laffing at her...
20 . Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants. ah! for naija? u wan make she take am go baba for ijebu? na love potion b dat o!
21 . Kiss her in the rain. --- wat happened to the bright and clear sunshine?

22 . If your in love with her . . . tell her. -----and if i dont....?
23. Play a song for her most likely on a guitar ---- ild sound like obj delivering the annual budget!!