North will be use as car park by the time boko Haram finish with their own people with their own hands.specail thanks to boko haram for knowing now that the problem of Nigeria are the Northern.PLEASE!!!!! southern dont sleep hooooo this bad people may say sokoto why planing for lagos because they are Devil.
the ture of the matter is that we all voted for a member of a Boko-Haram as a president of Nigeria. If not what is the meaning of Dialogue with Boko-Haram.If he as nothing to do with this less groups of people that he knew before becoming president, because you only Dialogue with people you know.MR PRESIDENT PLEASE, TELL US WHO ARE BOKO- HARAM AND GIVE THEM WHAT YOU PROMISE BEFORE NOW SO THAT THEY CAN STOP THE KILL OHOOOOOO.
The DPO and the Govt will only pay 2.5m to the family and that will be the end.I said this because this have heppen in Nigeria before and not the first time just give them 40 weeks and everybody will be thinking of other new thing and the man will be out like free man.( ever with is job )
Really, It was a bad time with all of us, seeing our brothers and sisters being killed by some of this Muslims (Albako-na-ram-4-shoeya) and for sure there may be some good ones inside this muslims too but, they should lean how to live in peace with others or let share Nigeria:Let us all keep praying because the War is not over YET.
We have being leaving in the so call peace for too long now over 50 good years in their hands and one with us now killing is all over the place and no more many people are praying and others are killing.The only thing war gives is dead and they are already killing the southern and somany people dont till understand that we are already in the war.I AM CALLING ON ALL SOUTHERN IN THE NORTH TO RETURN BACK HOME !!! COME HOME AND SAVE YOUR LIFE