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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Court Terminates Marriage Because Husband Couldnt Satisfy Wife On Bed on: 23-11-2011 02:06 PM
 :'(it is ok but there are more things expected in marriage than all the time asking the man to put her on the mode. if the man can satisfy the woman with other thing it is better than quitting a marriage. the hiding truth in the statement let then remember their promise during the marriage day.
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Police, prostitutes clash in Lagos on: 22-11-2011 02:46 PM
 ::)there is no different between the police and the prostitute. the police have their own reason but what matter is; let the police
separate theirselves from every scene that will make the public to loss hope in them. but for the prostitute there are better work than the trade they are iinto.
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Huh!!! Women’s Dirty Little Secrets! on: 22-11-2011 01:12 PM
i used to respect women because   i thought that they are the set of human who are held with high esteem but this day they prefer to do any thing because of fashion. but any thing you do, the mind set is what matters