I can never talk about my hussy wit ant body bcos i don't believe there any one that can give me good advice, rather i prefere to talk to God about anything in my marriage and i also advice people to do the same.
it doesnt mean you should not discuss your hubby or fiancee/fiance with another person, but you have to be wise with the kind of advices you're going to get from those friends of yours. @least as an adult you know the right and you know the wrong. And also its not everything that happen in your home that you need to discuss with your friends. The reason we relate some of our marital problems with our friends is to have idea whether same is happening in their home too, @least hearing same from them will make you feel you're not being left alone, @least some1 else is going through what you've been going through and she or he has been corping with it.
At times if you want to relate such matters to your friends, you may not really use yourself, you may discuss it as if you saw it happening in another family, that's wisdom.
Never you trust anyone, but you can still get some good advise from some friends and when you see one you'll know. I believe we should all know the kind of friends we have.