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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: why are nigerian men polygamous in nature on: 3-09-2009 04:28 PM
i suppose the real question shud be "why are women so suceptible". At least 8 out of 10 women knw the guy's seeing sum1 else,if dats the case,what's she stil doing with him?
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: why are nigerian men polygamous in nature on: 3-09-2009 02:11 PM
sorry,4got 2 mention dat its not a nigerian thing, it also in d nature of a woman 2 justify sleeping with a man u dont like bcos he has sum xtra doe?
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: why are nigerian men polygamous in nature on: 3-09-2009 01:07 PM
wow,thats a tough one.there're a lot of reasons but lemme av a shot.

1. some men r neva satisfied wit wat they av so they'll try n get as much as they can-gallery by mario vas...

2. some do it cos they tried being faithful n it didn't payoff being "mr nice and fidelity"

3. some r foolish enuf 2 do it cos they feel it makes them more men.

i cud go on but at this point al like 2 say that women these days,even in church keep multiple relationships-sum brodas feel there's no need being faithful wen their partner's faithless.The question i'd like 2 ask while on the subject is why are women so money conscious these days that they'll do anything 4 it?
4  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: why are nigerian men polygamous in nature on: 30-07-2008 04:39 PM
i think its more of a heredity as well as habitual trait.