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41  Forum / Forum Games / Re: New Game - true / false on: 14-10-2007 08:40 PM
FALSE......The person below me is scared of height
42  Forum / Forum Games / Re: *Singer's Name Game* on: 14-10-2007 08:36 PM

43  Forum / Forum Games / Re: Solve this mystery( the goat, the lion and the yam on: 14-10-2007 08:30 PM
The answer is wron.... If the man takes d yam first, d lion would eat the goat.
he has to get the 3 of them across without loosing any.
44  Forum / Forum Games / Solve this mystery( the goat, the lion and the yam on: 11-10-2007 05:08 PM
A man was traveling across with a lion, a tuber of yam, and a goat.
he got to a river and had to make a cross. he has to cross the river with the Lion, Goat, and yam. but one at a time.
Question: how does he cross the river with those 3 things one at a time. remember, goat eats yam, lion eats goat..and so on. so he cant leave some things together, cos they might eat them selves.( @ age 7 I had to solve this for about 3 months b4 I finally got an answer)
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