WHY many of them are crzy, if your father was omo you will never be born i dont know why many ppl like to copy frm the white? the white will always get their right, but black dont forget d Country you live, wake up frm you dream before u became opa
god pls have on those who dose not believe on themslf. Nigeria is a country full of people that believe so much in christianity. but jet they promble could not be over. i pray may it be over.
they are all human and men. you guys think is easy to get married with white?. nigeria people talk too much. you want to marri is problem, you are single is problem. what is the problem of the you people. the most good thing is that they are happy with each other. so let the people be.
if you find 15million in your account u call the bank and tell them, that some one pay so much moni into ur acct. you cant take the moni and run away. bcos if the bank place one million on ur head ever one will be looking for your. and you can also go to prison. so dont love moni.
that is good bcos nomaly is not good talkig on Phone weile Drive-in. nigeria is not longer a Country. if many people have their chance they will change their co.
if i will be the one, i will not go back to them, they have nothing to give but to take what you work for. talking about his parent i tink that is lie,
now we are saying that nigeria have too many population. pls let those who want to be women to women, and men to men be. that will also make the population go down, ok this is a new generation ever one knows what he or she want to be
i cant have a child, wen i know cant take care of him or her. what are they useing the children for? only the foolish people think having too many children is a good thing, lese of Population lese provaty. nigeria pls stop haveing many children oooooooooo.