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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Is NAIJAPALS promoting National Disunity? on: 15-03-2012 04:02 PM
Quote from: open_reality on 13-03-2012 03:44 PM
Even a mad wants peace and does not want to be disturbed when sleeping. We all preach peace every day, yet we do the worst in reality. I would love to embrace peace, but not when i am forced to abandon my religion for fear of been killed. I would love to embrace peace, but not when my PLACE OF WORSHIP has turned to a battle field. I would love to embrace peace, but not my brothers and sisters die serving Nigeria(NYSC STUDENT).I would love to embrace peace but not when Our business are been destroyed for no just cause. I would love to embrace peace, but not when Mothers, fathers and children are been killed while sleeping. I would love to embrace peace but not when my freedom is been defined by a particular religion. I would love to embrace peace, but not when there is no love and tolerance in the hearts of many. How can we all claim to be loving and caring, but in reality we are going through hell? Naijapals is definitely not the problem of Nigeria. As a matter of fact, it's the only place we can express our feelings without been killed (even though I’ve received loads of death threat). The truth of the matter is this; WE ARE GOING THROUGH HELL. It has come to a point where families have made decisions not to go to church again. They would rather pray at home than go to church. Who says the war in Nigeria is a political war? Here is a question for you: how many politicians have been killed since the issue of boko haram started? Compare that to the daily slaughtering of Christians everywhere even in pubs, restaurants and churches. The only way peace can coexist among us to establish BASIC FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT and that include freedom of speech. The voices of the people need to be heard, and something MUST be done about it. Our corrupt leaders MUST to serve our country in TRUTH and in SPIRIT. RELIGION should be individual choice and not imposed on anyone. We cannot fold our arms and watch our people been killed while we advocate peace. The word "peace" means
1. The absence of war or other hostilities.
2. An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities.
3. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations: .
4. Public security and order:
5. Inner contentment; serenity
Is that what we experience in our Nigeria today? Naijapals does not total the number of Nigeria population. If we want to PRACTISE peace, let us make it a reality and not mere word used to fool people. Our politicians talk about peace on daily basis, yet nothing is ever done. Religious leaders talk about peace, yet some of them secretly sponsor boko haram. If you think coming to naijapals to talk about peace would change reality, I urge you to think again. If you are against something, come out and condemn it instead of making excuses. Protest against it so that everyone can know your stand. Ever heard of the saying "practise what you preach"? It’s time to end the talking and do the working.

Confirm, and simple the truth. They are killing our families and they preach unity, they can not fool us plsssssssssss
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Lagos State Funeral For Late Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu on: 1-03-2012 11:24 PM
Rest in peace ikemba, you will always remain in our memory.
3  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: LMAO!! Will You Worship At Olusegun Obasanjo's Church? on: 1-03-2012 11:13 PM
Abi boko haram no see that one?
4  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Insecurity: Igbo flee North en-masse. on: 25-11-2011 10:24 PM
Quote from: kp45 on 24-11-2011 10:23 AM
Wickney Presido

Then you still believe in one Nigeria nonsense.