Dat ws y she came wit d policy of subsidy rmoval,we it ws at d back of her mind dat mst nigerians r goin 2sufr frm it,wen she's usin free fuel....She's nt my daughtr o,coz she's as old as my mum & i dnt av a daughtr yet
Ignorance of law isnt an excuse,& cn neva b..He was a successful trader,he couldnt afford money 4 just a shop,& im sure dat his goods were not demolished wit d building...Senseless cow,a disgrace 2 my tribe..Find anoda excuse coz dis wnt work out 4 u...
Trafficate drug 2 any arabian/islamic country=death sentence,y didnt he try oda countries wit a low purnitive measure on drug trafickin?..Even wit his name "oluigbo" in yoruba means "olu of weed"lol...RIP in advance*sobs*