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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Chinyere Alegu, 22, claims holy spirit asked her to kill 5-yr-old niece on: 2-03-2012 03:58 PM
Whoeva says my opinion on ds issue is a trash must be a trashcan coz i dont know wat pple like dt stand 2 gain frm being tribalistic & being a religious fanatic,afterall,u r no GOD dt owns judgement.Well,my advice 2 frnds & pple is dt we shld use ds avenue 2 spread useful info,make peaceful statements & mor frnds & not all dse abuses about our different tribes & religions coz it wl only create mor enimity.God dt created us all wt differences in lang,religion etc.knows best,so who r we 2 discriminate among ourselves.If som1 or a grp commits an offense,let evry1 reject or oppose such criminality & not generalising it simply bcoz we av one tin or d oda against dt particular tribe,religion or wat av u.tx!
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Chinyere Alegu, 22, claims holy spirit asked her to kill 5-yr-old niece on: 2-03-2012 01:38 PM
I'm really surprised no one said anytin about religion coz ds girl as she claimed, is a xtian.If ds kind of devilish act happened somwhere in d north or any arab nation,som folish xtians would av bn sayin al sort of silly tins about muslims or Islam.But now dy are twistin d Holy spirit as d girl claimed 2 evil spirit,y not associate it wt xtianity.I know a reasonable head like mine & som oda muslims & xtians wl neva say silly tins about Bible & Quran or d Prophets.May 4giv us all coz character is very diferent frm being Religious.