I thought the Muslims said, the Boko Haramist members of Alqueda are not targetting Christians????Modern Muslims so what do you call this? I mean attack on two Christian Churshes in one day? Genocide against Christians. Being a fundamentatlist Islamist is tantamount to being a terrorist, and they must all be eradicated as a matter of urgency!! These group makes us believe that Islam is not a religion of peace! It is religion of hate, destruction and death since so call modern Muslims are not opening their mouth to come out in the open to denounce these senseless killings everyday. I am yet to see a rally by modern Muslims made to show that they are against the killings of Christians and other innocent people all in hate name of Allah, Mohammed and Islam.so why in the HELL shall any non muslim respect Islam??
As long as the modern Muslims keep quiet, they are indirectly supporting these people
If you dont support them, then let us see you say so