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121  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why are some Yoruba men so jealous and controlling (Page 2) on: 27-06-2012 11:56 AM
122  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 10 Most Dangerous African Countries in 2012 on: 26-06-2012 03:54 PM
123  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Naijapals Personality Of Year 2011 Award Winners Receive Their Gifts (Page 108) on: 26-06-2012 01:07 PM
124  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: We got N7,000 to launch Biu Church attack-Boko Haram suspects on: 23-06-2012 02:43 PM
Quote from: spekay on 23-06-2012 02:37 PM

You wonder where their brain is . whether under their feet or completely outside what they call a body .  if they can be so aimlessly used to achieve such dastardly acts

They appear Brainless becos a Yoruba Muslim wouldnt do such
125  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: We got N7,000 to launch Biu Church attack-Boko Haram suspects on: 23-06-2012 01:35 PM
Quote from: lopez2424 on 23-06-2012 01:23 PM

I thought the Muslims said, the Boko Haramist members of Alqueda are not targetting Christians????Modern Muslims so what do you call this? I mean attack on two Christian Churshes in one day? Genocide against Christians. Being a fundamentatlist Islamist is tantamount to being a terrorist, and they must all be eradicated as a matter of urgency!! These group makes us believe that Islam is not a religion of peace! It is religion of hate, destruction and death since so call modern Muslims are not opening their mouth to come out in the open to denounce these senseless killings everyday. I am yet to see a rally by modern Muslims made to show that they are against the killings of Christians and other innocent people all in hate name of Allah, Mohammed and why in the HELL shall any non muslim respect Islam??

As long as the modern Muslims keep quiet, they are indirectly supporting these people
If you dont support them, then let us see you say so
126  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: B*R*E*A*K*I*N*G News: Names of the 4 Intended Kano Mosque Bombers Released. on: 23-06-2012 01:17 PM
They want to create the impression that Christians plant bombs in mosque
Propagandists, God have exposed all of you
You all shall drink your own blood and eat ur own flesh
127  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: We got N7,000 to launch Biu Church attack-Boko Haram suspects on: 23-06-2012 01:12 PM
Only 7,000 to take lives? Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
128  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Those Who Lost Out In Power Behind Insecurity - Wole Soyinka on: 22-06-2012 04:55 PM
“There are people in power in certain parts of the country, leaders, who quite genuinely and authoritatively hate and cannot tolerate any religion outside their own,”he said.

“When you combine that with the ambitions of a number of people who believe they are divinely endowed to rule the country and who… believe that their religion is above whatever else binds the entire nation together, and somehow the power appears to slip from their hands, then they resort to the most extreme measures.

“Youths who have been indoctrinated right from infancy can be used, and who have been used, again and again to create mayhem in the country”

He added: “Those who have created this faceless army have lost control.”
129  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: WTF: A 26 Years Old Nigerian Sentenced To Death By Hanging For Stealing N1,705 (Page 6) on: 22-06-2012 03:58 PM
God would judge all these corrupt judges
130  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Online Churches Flourish Amid Rising Insecurity on: 22-06-2012 12:45 PM
OK, boko, go online and bomb them na
wat are u waiting for?
131  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: The tricks behind TB Joshua's prophecies revealed (Page 2) on: 20-06-2012 05:41 PM
Can I get by pls
132  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: boko haram plans to poison suya to kill the south east or west of nigeria on: 19-06-2012 05:20 PM
Quote from: queenrukky on 19-06-2012 04:21 PM
i knw say some guys go dey hapi nw....mtchew...stingy guys

suya chopper
your market have spoiled
lolz Grin Grin Grin
133  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: MADNESS!!! Boko Haram Tries To Take Over Yobe State Government House (Page 3) on: 19-06-2012 03:46 PM
134  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: El-Rufai's Comment On Anambra State Is An Insult To Igbo People - Peter Obi on: 11-06-2012 05:00 PM
Quote from: Ecto on 11-06-2012 04:39 PM
Well we are poor, hungry and uneducated so help us "Peter" Rufai with your loots

 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
135  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: El-Rufai's Comment On Anambra State Is An Insult To Igbo People - Peter Obi on: 11-06-2012 03:59 PM
He wants recognition........
136  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Indian Bosses Forced Us To Fly Spoilt Aircraft - Dana Air Employee [Video] on: 4-06-2012 04:35 PM
God knows their house numbers one by one
137  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: OUR SISTER INVOLVED IN DANA AIR PLANE CRASH IN LAGOS on: 4-06-2012 04:12 PM
 Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry
Rest in peace sis
and may your sins be forgiven thee
138  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Story about J.martins life... on: 4-06-2012 02:08 PM
I love J. Martins
he is a great guy
and yes, he was right not to talk abt his worth, it would really push some guys to steal
139  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: is it right? GEJ Renames University of Lagos as Moshood Abiola University on: 29-05-2012 04:17 PM
Quote from: teemah08 on 29-05-2012 03:33 PM
GEJ ful of suprises come oct 1 he go change BUK to BHU(boko haram university)

 Grin Grin Grin
140  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: She is not comfortable that we are neighbours. on: 25-05-2012 01:25 PM
Quote from: waco on 25-05-2012 12:57 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, bros and sis dem,
make una see me see wahala.

I just relocated from my apartment to a new place,
on getting there, i found out that my next neighbour
is my ex-girlfriend during our school days.

She is now married with 2 kids and her beautiful sister staying with them.

But i noticed that she is NOT just comfortable since i moved in.

What must be her reason?
  Should i be close to her family?

maybe she is afraid you guys might continue from where u stopped
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