The poster of this piece is just feeding lies to the general public- his version is total false-hood. The Rev. Father is not an armed robber nor a kidnapper, but a dismissed Army-Priest who returned to his Mmaku Community and was handed over his community Catholic Parish by the Bishop of Awgu Diocese to shephered, but he started having issues of control of the the Church both with the Mmaku community, his commumity, and the Bishop, leading to his men beating up police officers, which then led to his arrest by the Enugu State Police Commmand. People should be fair in their reporting; and must verify their facts before posting.
Well done Lads! But the searchlights should also be more seriously focused on our our government houses and legislative houses, not excluding judicial houses, religious and traditional houses.Nigerians, welcome to 2013!!
Rest In Peace! Nigeria once again have lost a Life that would have been saved until it was too late for the belated intervention. Now the Governments and prominent Nigerians in Nigeria would take over and starts to pour encomiums and making promises that might not be fulfilled afterall.
Mr.Donpet, i respect your opinion over the issue under discussion, but mourning of the dead child would not deprive the parents of seeking for justice if they believe they have evidence of negligence against the authorities of the School concerning the drowned child. Like i said earlier, payment of N2bn or not would never bring the dead kid back alive; but the parents should not be blamed by anybody for seeking for compensation if they believe they could get that to assuage the loss of their loved one, if evidence shows that the School Management is negligent and contributory to the drowning of their kid. With respect to your view on whether or not i would win the case, my answer is that of silence since i am not their lawyer; moreover, you misconstrue and mis-assimilate my point of view. Again, the issue of respect or dis-respect for men of God does not arise; and was not an issue under discussion. What is in issue is whether or not the parents of the drowned child has a right to make a claim for compensation for the death of their dear child in the circumstance that there exist incontrovertible evidence that the School Management of is contributorily negligent to the drowning of the child; more-so, when duty of care, apparently, exists for the School Management to ensure of the safety of all the kids (including the drowned chap) under their authority? Please, the issue here has nothing to do with the personality of the G.O. of the School. In fact, even for the poster of this topic to have included his name in the first place of his reporting, and then tends to sound sacrimonious over the name while condenming aggrieved parents, is also condemnable. This Forum ought to be meant for mature minds and men; not kids and boys who finds it very hard to comprehend simple logical reasoning in webbed contexts. I suggest/advice that the administrators of this Forum should pay much attention to write-ups/reports that may tend to disparage or ridicule one's personality and or demeans one's professional reputation in the name of social media to avoid avoidable defamatory litigations to any member of the the forum or the Forum itself since in Nigerian Law of today, computer and internet generated evidence and documents are now admissible in Nigeria Courts. Mr. Nametalkam and Donpet, i also suggest you please download this advice and keep it in your wallets always while communicating online.
Nametalkam is not only ignorant of the dictates of law when one is injured legally, but is also being unnecessarily sentimental over the issue; hence his wrong terming of the N2BN claims of the parents of the drowned child (may her soul RIP) against the School as extortion. Again, he appears to be unmarried to know that no amount of money claimed could be used to equate life of a kid lost in any negligent manner; and no amount of money paid could replace a life lost in a very negligent circumstance as it may appear in this case. You termed it an extortion because it affects an interest of a well known personality who may not see it your own way, because being a Father to many Families and his congregations he would appreciate the pains of the parents and seek for dialogue and amicable settlement of the matter. Please try not to whip up unnecessary sentiments over the issue.
The General Overseer of the School i advice, should not battle over this issue but seek for dialogue to settle the Family; may be not necessarily the N2BN as demanded, for the reasons as afore-stated in the fore-goings.
In Your Death, we have lost a great legal icon; but having solace that you have left to meet the overall Lord Almighty for your due deserved reward for good legal works done on earth, the legal minds say adieu the Legal Father. RIP.