men going for marriage, or young boys looking for a very sweet girl to date. please be very careful in dealing with girls from poor homes, not all is included but from years of obsrevation, it can bee seen that girls from poor homes hardly or even never feel love for any person outside his own family members, they are more hardened and very crafty, inside their heart is just the burning rage to overcome poveryty their hearts are as hard as stone, dealing with them requires carefulness never you fully love them to save yourselves from very damaging heartbreaks, the cause is that years of incessant hardship and struggles to survive has just hardened them. then when they come out to the society they do anything to meetup, and cover up, including smart pretence,loose. empty and very annoying pride, arrogance and finally systematic gold digging. their mission is just to syphon your little income or any goodies you have to their homes .truly loving them can be a very heavy task on your head and very risky, all these things are just the damaging after effects of poverty. be warned. but the good ones are still out there. what do you think?
there is truth dere o,but its few cases out of a million of 'em,n it depends on hw ur r/ship wit 'em iz,guys too dey find cheap hit n run,so i no blame 'em