Lola ur very stupid for putting this post.bcos ur not a good wife thats why u sit at home doing nothing looking for whom to fight with if u were to be a good wife,why should u allow revenge to be ur portion.bcos ur brother inlaw didn't come to ur traditional wedding thats why u didn't attend his.Even if ur sturbburn husband peter didn't,is ur duty as a good wife to calm him down and give him reasons on not to retireliate.and ur here posting nonsense.U know ur husband has a childish character and ur supporting him by behaving childlishly upon u senior him with 6yrs.u no dey shame.Correct him and better try to creat peace in that home ,if not the spirit of their dead mum will visit u if ur there to destroy. their mother made them to be one and ur there to scatter,it will never work for u Witch,ANUOHIA NDI OFE MMANU.Foolish woman.Be careful.Why i'm so concerned is cos is a family i admire so much despite the fame but the sturbburn husband of urs disobeyed his mother by getting married to u. see it now Area Scatter.Peter Okoye i pity u,remeber money is not everything.dont think bcos u ve money ur complete.peter ur not complete at all cos u married a dragon as a wife,a home breaker.just get ready to face the dragon.Sturbburn goat.u see ur life.OKPO NDI IGBO(PETER).