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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 48-Year-Old Woman Jailed For Dumping Day-Old Baby In The Bush on: 11-10-2012 06:20 PM
Please make them try to the zip up na!
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Traffic Law: Lagos Destroys 3,000 Seized Okadas (Picture Included) on: 10-10-2012 12:55 PM
A little leaven , leaveneth the whole lump , it's good way to change our country's mentality , they should obey the laws of the land be you who !
3  Forum / Religion / Re: G.O of MFM, Pastor Daniel Olukoya Prohibits Female Members From Wearing Trousers on: 3-09-2012 08:02 PM
Quote from: Originalsly on  3-09-2012 04:57 PM
Hmmm...  is his church heaven?... turning away women from the light because of what they wear? Which is more important? How many times a woman has to cover her head? Most of these women head be already covered with wig or weave...why cover again? Hmmm.... just wondering aloud.
@ what do you mean ? Read duet 22 vs 5, Remember God does not want multitude - many are called but few are chosen ,,, beware of what you are saying with your mouth ( HE is a consuming fire)
4  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Boko Haram Threaten To Bomb Lagos and Abuja In 72 Hours on: 6-05-2012 06:21 AM
@reallarry - your a nonentity , probably you did not even finish your primary education, how would you say the mr president is weak?, you hear the news when Abu Qaga was arrested b4 and who let him go b4 he was caught again, the problem mr president is facing today is the security personals and the so called cabals, he will do meeting with them now and the next few minutes the so called boko haram have know all that was discussed , if your in this shoes what can you do? It has to take time to solve this menace . When the northerner was ruling it wasn't  like this , and the so called bokos were already in existence then , LET ALL OF US COME TO GOD IN REPENTANCE AND HE HEAL OUR LAND!