I live in the states and no nigerian man goes to nigeria and bring women into this country anymore because nigerian women are crazy..The moment they come in here and achieve a little finacial security they go crazy..The situation here is worst than has been reported...The reported ones are those that ends in deaths..The divorce rate among nigerian couple here is extremely high...you need to go to nigerian parties here and see the way nigerian women talk down to naija men ..its appalling..A lot of these women were a few years ago living in poverty in nigeria...These men spend their money to bring them in here and educate them. After they get a good job ,this men are now rubbish...The system favors them ,so they take advanage of it..To be fair ,not all nigerian women are like this,but most are...The nigerian women that are born here or came here as kids are surprisingly more behaved..In america right now if you tell somebody that you are going to find a wife in nigeria,people will laugh at you....
Yes This is true
I have been living abroad and am still still here, Nigerian women brought here from home are bulshit daughters of bitches personally i will never marry one here or bring anyone here Except my Mother or sisters, Marry an already RN lady preferably white, Asian, latino or Native Americans that way the respect will be there not ''Adaobi'' who comes from the village after a few years she thinks she is wise, ruining men's life
In our culture men are the head of the family, even bible said women obey your husbands be under them in a good way .