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1  Forum / Politics / Million Nigerian March To Abuja - Please Support Us on: 1-02-2012 01:10 PM
The Million Nigerian march is organising a March from Lagos to Abuja. We plan to get people from every walk of life involved - from well-known personalities to "area boys". We will pack our blankets and water bottles and we will trek all the way to Abuja, stopping at each and every town along the way to hold a rally for the inhabitants of the town. Our message will be one of change in Nigeria. Our slogan will be "enough is enough".

* We will be recruiting the villagers in our mass movement to change Nigeria once and for all
* We will be educating the people that the government is there TO SERVE US, not to lord it over us
* We will be educating the people on how to use civil disobedience as an effective tool to combat bad governance.
* We will be teaching the people how to challenge every excess, every abuse, every waste
* We will explain them the dangers of condoning mediocrity and duplicity!
* And we will listen to their problems and concerns  - and take them with us to Abuja.

Enough is enough! We are tired! No more, no more, no more! We cannot afford to be silent anymore. Evil triumphs because good people do nothing.

My friends, the time has come. We cannot lose the momentum. Please join the group here: OR and pass the message to your friends. We are trying to get 100,000 signatures - including Facebook members. Thank you.
2  Forum / Politics / Re: Shocking! Nigeria To Buy 2 More Presidential Jets, To Make a Total of 10 Jets on: 1-02-2012 01:01 PM

The Million Nigerian march is organising a March from Lagos to Abuja. We plan to get people from every walk of life involved - from well-known personalities to "area boys". We will pack our blankets and water bottles and we will trek all the way to Abuja, stopping at each and every town along the way to hold a rally for the inhabitants of the town. Our message will be one of change in Nigeria. Our slogan will be "enough is enough".

* We will be recruiting the villagers in our mass movement to change Nigeria once and for all
* We will be educating the people that the government is there TO SERVE US, not to lord it over us
* We will be educating the people on how to use civil disobedience as an effective tool to combat bad governance.
* We will be teaching the people how to challenge every excess, every abuse, every waste
* We will explain them the dangers of condoning mediocrity and duplicity!
* And we will listen to their problems and concerns  - and take them with us to Abuja.

Enough is enough! We are tired! No more, no more, no more! We cannot afford to be silent anymore. Evil triumphs because good people do nothing.

My friends, the time has come. We cannot lose the momentum. Please join the group here: OR and pass the message to your friends. We are trying to get 100,000 signatures - including Facebook members. Thank you.