Hausa people are prasite to nigeria ..Backword site of people..let them continue killing day we will kill their leader the Sultan of Sokoto, Alh. Saad Abubakar and nothing will happen..we have done it before and will still do it again
Hausa people are liabilities and parasites in Nigeria ..backword set of people.. When we start our own we will first kill the Sultan of Sokoto, Alh. Saad Abubakar and nothing will happen..we have done it before and will still do it again
I thank God you did not call the trible of this woman... if it is an ibo man.. you will open your stupid mouth and be insulting all the whole igbo trible... never mind we know how to get aboki people..mark my word very soon we will kill your leader the Sultan of Sokoto, Alh. Saad Abubakar and nothing will happen..we have done it before and will still do it again
I thank God you did not call the trible of this woman... if it is an ibo man.. you will open your stupid mouth and be insulting all the whole igbo trible... never mind we know how to get aboki people..mark my word very soon we will give your leader the Sultan of Sokoto, Alh. Saad Abubakar and nothing will happen..we have done it before and will still do it again
every tribe like igbo people..every tribe want to marry to igbo ..our men are handsome while our girls are beauty..we are strong and fearless people it is not proud that is how our God create us..if not igbo in nigeria ..Nigeria would have been an islamic country and people like this fools that commenting about igbos will not have right to do so.. name any country in the world you will not see igbo man doing knows us..we are strong and hardworking people..we are not lazy waiting for woman or prostitute to feed us..
For 30yrs aboki been ruling nigeria..Can some one tell me what did the achieve..Oh i forget the achieve boko haram... aboki will always be igbo people shoe shining in nigeria