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Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Nothern Christian Militants,AKHWAT AKWOP Give Seven Days Ultimatum |
on: 7-06-2012 11:42 AM
| Any muslim that threatens the peace of non-muslims should be CRUSHED!! The world is not for them alone. It is high time the DRONE is deployed to Northern Nigeria to wipe out this enemies of peace. I last week Boko Haram and muslims thanked their shit allah for a successful suicide bombing of a Church in Bauchi State on Sunday. Can you now see that this religion is satanic? How can you carry out cold-blooded killings on un-armed children, women, men and still all muslims are happy. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Malaysian mother beating her 8 months old baby ! |
on: 13-05-2012 08:52 AM
| That is a Muslim for you.. the are heartless start from their new born baby.. is it not why we have a alot of bargars in Nigeria because the don't care about their babe .how can the care about Christians .The only good Islamic is a dead one...Those who live by the Quran are and will die by the Quran. who gives a flying f@#$!!!!
does anybody even see my comments, cause ive never seen a reply,mabey nobody cares bout what i say when ie had a few dranks mabey nobody feels like i do
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