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41  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Nothern Christian Militants,AKHWAT AKWOP Give Seven Days Ultimatum on: 7-06-2012 11:42 AM
Any muslim that threatens the peace of non-muslims should be CRUSHED!! The world is not for them alone. It is high time the DRONE is deployed to Northern Nigeria to wipe out this  enemies of peace. I last week Boko Haram and muslims thanked their shit allah for a successful suicide bombing of a Church in Bauchi State on Sunday. Can you now see that this religion is satanic? How can you carry out cold-blooded killings on un-armed children, women, men and still all muslims are happy.
42  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Did Zainab Deserve This Dirty Slap From Ghana's DKB? [Video Inside] on: 7-06-2012 10:25 AM
Your comment alone show that type of woman you..No different between you are that bitch that got some nice slap
43  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Did Zainab Deserve This Dirty Slap From Ghana's DKB? [Video Inside] on: 6-06-2012 10:48 AM
the bitch deserve to slap more...
44  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 25yrs Old Lady Gang-Raped Two Weeks To Her Wedding on: 2-06-2012 06:56 PM
the lady is so bad for her to follow ex boyfriend enter into chalet.. what did she think that is going to happen.. the guys too need to jail
45  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Nigerian appointed as the first black police commander in London on: 29-05-2012 06:31 PM
he look like jay jay.. congrate
46  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: A Yoruba Teacher In the UK Face Jail For molesting 14 Years Old Girl on: 25-05-2012 07:51 AM
I came to read the comment
47  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Father arrested for selling day-old son for N350,000 on: 24-05-2012 08:25 AM
Yoruba man want to rich by all means
48  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: UNWANTED PREGNANCY on: 24-05-2012 08:23 AM
There is different between girl friend and wife..having sex with my girl friend and she conceive does not guaranty me to marry her
49  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Sexy Actress, Fathia Balogun Dazzles In Hot Photo Shoot on: 24-05-2012 08:16 AM
As for me as a guy.. i see nothing sexy in this woman body
50  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: I Killed Him For Stealing My Indomie Noodles - 12 Years Old Hausa Boy on: 24-05-2012 08:15 AM
I fail to understand this and other killings in the name of Islam, can someone explain why the followers of Islam seem to think that they have some sort of God given right to slaughter those who choose to worship their God in a different way. Is death all that Islam has to offer the people of the world? Not forgetting this barbaric Sharia law that's rooted in the middle ages
51  Forum / Sports / Re: Didier Drogba, Adedeji Aderogba Is A Nigerian on: 23-05-2012 08:22 AM
Poster is it the same Ogbomosho in Oyo state, Nigeria. where boko haram member from
52  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: New Hip Enhancement Mechanism Sweeping The Streets Of Kenyan Women [Video] on: 23-05-2012 08:00 AM
Na today, unless you are not a guy.. Nigeria ladies dey pad their hips.. if i lie watch your babe close there is more you will learn
53  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bomb Shell! An Akwa Ibom MAN carried out the attack on Christians at BUK on: 23-05-2012 07:35 AM
This na hausa tactics because they  want power in 2015.. they are using this guys so that we will believe that is southern that is bombing churches.. Maybe have promise the guy 15million to come out and say all this rubbish..The  other time   JTF caught  some guys early this year. Muslims say that the are not Nigeria and they are from Niger republic .we are waiting 2015
54  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: A POEM TO MY SOPHIEBABY........see pix on: 23-05-2012 07:23 AM
Na ajanni be this
55  Forum / European Leagues (EPL, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga - EU leagues) / Re: UCL FINAL PREVIEW: Bayern Munich vs. Chelsea on: 19-05-2012 09:28 PM
I am happy now...Some people go cry sooon...
56  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Video: Man Glued To Another Man's Wife During Illicit Affair [video] on: 13-05-2012 09:19 AM
fear muslim man..part of quran na juju

57  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Yoruba Woman, Bola Adebisi Breaks World Record Of Most Drug Ingested By Human on: 13-05-2012 09:03 AM
I think say na only igbo dey carry this so called drug..i really no know say other tribe dey carry too. i will be right back
58  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Nigerian woman, Kate Anolue, is the new Mayor of Enfield Council, London on: 13-05-2012 09:00 AM
I dey smell some thing here. my people...Na she have become Nigeria woman... I can see poster have change the topic because is a good achievement ..if it is bad one ..the topic would have be igbo woman
59  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Malaysian mother beating her 8 months old baby ! on: 13-05-2012 08:52 AM
That is a Muslim  for you.. the are heartless start from their new born baby.. is it not why we have a alot of bargars in Nigeria because the don't care about their babe .how can the care about Christians .The only good Islamic is a dead one...Those who live by the Quran are and will die by the Quran. who gives a flying f@#$!!!!

does anybody even see my comments,
cause ive never seen a reply,mabey nobody cares bout what i say when ie had a few dranks mabey nobody feels like i do

60  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BETRAYAL? A Yoruba leader of Boko Haram arrested in Kano on: 12-05-2012 02:12 PM
anywhere he like let him from.We are waiting an hausa man to enter power in nigeria we will bomb mosque and let see if Muslim will complan
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