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61  Forum / Religion / IT WILL COME TO PASS, GOD IS NOT A LIAR. on: 30-05-2012 04:17 PM
Whatever God has told you through men and through His word will come to pass. It will become a reality. Even though it may have been delayed it will come to pass. God is not a man that He should lie. The word is just about to be fulfilled. God's word is just about to be fulfilled, I say it again because it is already happening. God wants to make you a show piece to the world. He want to make you a testimony, He wants to prove to the world that His word still comes to pass.

You are not just going to receive testimonies, you are already a testimony. That means you have been declared a mobile testimony from today.

The Holy Ghost will make life easy for you from today, just let Him by allowing Him have His way. Receive constant helps from God in Jesus name. Isaiah 55:10-11.
62  Forum / Religion / GOD IS A MISTAKE CONVERTER. HE CAN TURN ANY MISTAKE on: 30-05-2012 04:12 PM
Beloved I like to introduce one side of God to you. Many are however unaware of this ability of God. In addition to everything that God is, He is also the MISTAKE CONVERTER. He knows that as humans we sometimes make mistakes, but He converts our mistakes to a miracle so that it will not be a waste of time. He does this because He hates wastes, Even our errors can become a mirror for others, also how we come out of a mistake can also inspire others in same condition. So my beloved, mistakes can be used as a yardstick to your rising.

Even if God converts mistakes to miracles, Romans 8:28 says why and when God does that. Not everybody enjoys this privilege. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God and to those that are walking in His purpose.Romans 8:28.(Paraphrased by me). Do you love God? are you living your life for JESUS CHRIST? Unless you love God and you are living for Jesus, that mistake may be irrecoverable. So start living for Jesus and that mistake will suddenly begin to work for your good.

Another way through which mistakes becomes miracles is if you have learnt from that mistake.You will keep making the same mistake unless you learn your lesson.Have you learnt your lesson?

As the LORD lives,every mistake you have made and learnt from will work together for your good in JESUS PRECIOUS name.
63  Forum / Religion / NO MORE PREMARITAL SEX. PART 3(The initiators and the complements) on: 25-05-2012 11:59 AM
Now the issue of premarital sex has become a struggle for many people, Christians inclusive. It is not that it is so powerful and cannot be subdued. But the issue is knowledge. Proverbs 11:9 says through knowledge shall the just be delivered. Deliverance is basically by knowledge. Don't upset yourself, it would not end by prayer and fasting alone. Have you seen someone fornicating on the road in a public place? the answer is NO. Why? because they are conscious of the presence of people. Now if they are truly conscious of the presence of God(who is everywhere) then they would avoid this sin in private places. The issue we are looking at today is the facilitators(initiators) of premarital sex. The devil is not the cause or the tempter. Until you understand the root of a problem you will keep getting victory today and defeat tomorrow. To be permanently free from premarital sex you must see yourself as the problem, not the devil. A man is tempted when he is drawn by his own lust,James 1:14 not by the devil. The devil is not fighting you, most of the time it is your lust, you feed your flesh and starve your spirit and your soul, so your body has no power to resist. For every act of premarital sex one person is either the initiator or the complement. The initiator makes the move while the complement allows the move for no just cause or basically just to please the initiator.

The guy or the girl could be the initiator but if the other person refuses to complement, the initiator's effort will be in vain. The major problem is not the initiator but the complement. Without the complement, the initiator is helpless. Now you must ask yourself the question, in that premarital sex issue, are you a complement or the initiator?. If you are a complement dating a complement, that relationship can easily be free of premarital sex. But if you are dating an initiator while you are a complement you have to flee otherwise you will fall. The solution for the initiator is to feed his or her mind with God's word daily. The question is knowing who you are and applying the appropriate treatment. I see you free already, because when knowledge comes, power comes. You have the power to overcome that sin. Romans 6:14.
64  Forum / Religion / SOMETIMES GOD WILL CLOSE A DOOR JUST TO OPEN A BETTER ONE FOR YOU. on: 25-05-2012 11:57 AM
When God closes a door, it is because He has a better door in mind for you. When you lose a job, it is because a better one is just around the corner, when that relationship ends it is because a better one is coming. Some things need to end for others to begin. Last week ended for a better week to begin. This is your week of perfected testimonies in all areas of your life. Revelations 3:8. Why must one door close for another to open? It is simply because God is a God of new things. Proverbs 4:18 and Isaiah 43:18-19. How will another open? by Continuing in your love and service to God as if nothing ever happened. Romans 8:28. When will this new door open? It will open when you have proven that your love for God is undying, when you are at rest and free from anxiety. Philippians 4:6. I see great doors opening for you this week, I see every opposition leading you to your up-position in Jesus precious name.
65  Forum / Religion / NO MORE PREMARITAL SEX.(PART 2) on: 25-05-2012 11:56 AM
It is important to note that sex is not just penetration, sex is consideration, sex is imagination. As a man thinks in his heart so is he.Proverbs 23:7. Jesus said something very striking in Matthew 5:28, He said a man that looks at a woman lustfully has already slept with her. There is no fornication without consideration or imagination. It is not your sex organ that is the problem...SO THE ZIP UP PRINCIPLE WILL NOT WORK. Fornication is a mind problem. Adultery is a mind problem. Your body has been programed to do whatever your mind thinks. So if you think dirty you will act dirty. Whatever influences your mind influences your actions. God spoke in Genesis 11:5, that nothing can stop whatever you imagine to do, not even prayers and fasting. So many people had broken their fast by fornicating because they don't know that you need to fill up your mind and thoughts with the word of God regularly to be able to have enough capacity to flee when the temptation arises. Marriage is not an escape route from fornication. A husband with a dirty mind will soon start sleeping with other girls. So guard your heart with all diligence. Some people enjoy thinking dirty. All those worldly musical video you watch are just preparing you for fornication or masturbation. To stop premarital sex you have to take care of your mind. Any time a thought that is ungodly goes there cast it away in the name of Jesus and purify your mind with the blood of Jesus Christ then start filling it up with God's word. Receive grace in Jesus name. WATCH OUT FOR PART THREE.
66  Forum / Religion / FEAR IS THE WORSE SIN EVER on: 25-05-2012 11:54 AM
The least kind of fear can weaken the strongest type of 419 Scam. Fear gives the devil free access into your life. It is not that the devil is too strong, but the problem is that the fear in your heart opened the door legally for the devil to attack. But from today every trace of fear shall be dissolved in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Job was righteous, even God testified of his righteousness and called him a perfect man even when Jesus had not yet shed His blood. But the devil still had access to torment Job because he was living in fear. JOB 3:25-26. This tells us that fear is the worse kind of sin. No wonder the bible says that whatever is not done in 419 Scam is sin. Once you are afraid and you do nothing about it, then it will open you up for attack. If you notice any area in your life that looks like the devil is having a filled day, check it, fear may be the reason, fear of the unknown, fear of failures, fear of that relationship breaking up, fear of not getting that job or contract. Even if you say you are not afraid, are you anxious? are you worried? are you living in doubts? all these are advance forms of fear. God has not given us the spirit of fear, the spirit of fear is from the devil, so cast it out in the name of Jesus. Any time you sense fear in your heart, boldly speak words of 419 Scam immediately. When the fear is so strong, pray till you can sense boldness. If the cure for fear is 419 Scam then you have to know what it takes to generate 419 Scam. The word of God is what generates 419 Scam. Romans 10:17. You have been programed by God to live by 419 Scam so that fear will not come into your heart giving the devil access. Galatians 3:11. I command every fear in your heart to disappear in Jesus precious name. God is with you and in you, He has even gone before you to make every crooked place straight, this should give you confidence. I see favour rushing to you by this understanding.
67  Forum / Religion / YOU EXISTED BEFORE YOU WERE BORN on: 25-05-2012 11:53 AM

God said in Jeremiah 1:5 that before He formed you in the womb He knew you and before you were born or delivered He ordained you for a task. You were ordained for a purpose that was why you came. You have a destiny otherwise you will not be born.

Let me explain further; God knew you before He formed you, the devil who was Lucifer then, the angel of light also knew you, he saw how glorious your destiny was, the only thing he did not see was the 'HOW' you are going to fulfill it. God and the devil saw your destiny before you were born, how was it possible for God see everyone's destiny before they came in such a short time? The reason is because He exists in eternity and a thousand years is like a day before Him. While we exist in time. So your complete life was seen by Him and it was good, it was successful that was why he allowed you to come. The devil who also saw you before he was cast down to the earth knew how good your life will be. He is here to make sure you don't fulfill it. Revelations 12:12. This was why God gave us the bible as an instruction book. Joshua 1:8. This book is the only way to be successful and to fulfill destiny in spite of the devil. This is why the devil fights people with distractions so that they will not read the bible. Your destiny and how to go about it is written in scriptures. Hebrews 10:7. The grace to study the word daily is coming on you right now in Jesus name. The devil's strategy is to keep people from getting saved, that is accepting Jesus Christ. And even if they accept Jesus Christ, he does everything to keep them from studying and obeying the word of God. But the grace to practice the word of God always is resting upon you now. Just obey the word and every challenge will melt. Welcome to the world of total victory. REJOICE!!!.
68  Forum / Religion / DON'T JUDGE LOVE WITH MONEY,but JUDGE LOVE WITH GIVING on: 25-05-2012 11:51 AM
DON'T JUDGE LOVE WITH MONEY,but JUDGE LOVE WITH GIVING...(someone may have the money and not give,but you cannot love and not give).

The subject of marriage is as important as food itself,because marriage is the foundation of every family and you know that everyone belongs to a family.But why does marriage seem so burdensome,is it that the love expires after a while or that the money reduces.People are often scared of getting involved not necessarily because of the commitment but the money syndrome is making many "sad"marriage is now synonymous with money,as a guy you must be working,have a house and relatively a car, where is the love? where is true love? where is the focus, most girls care less whether the guy has a vision or focus all they want to know does he have the `money`. Being handsome without money is like traveling in a car without fuel. Listen to this,if money is your foundation for marriage you will end up in frustration,Love is suppose to be the foundation.Do you know why there is rampant divorce today it is the money question.I am not against money,but when it becomes the only focus then it is dangerous.

Most people just stumble on some few millions and the next thing they think of is marriage,Most of our fore fathers marriages lasted because money was not a question even when they marry more than one wife.Recent marriages are at the verge of collapse because the love is not enough.

The truth about money is that it can develop wings and fly and it can also come,just be focused,money will come don't judge love with money.

Every girl wants Mr right the best way to get Mr right is to make your self Mrs right,develop yourself and because like attracts like you will attract your type.A flirt will attract a flirt most of the time.

Money is important but it should not be the foundation when the foundation is solid the building will stand and money will come with hard work,focus and proper planning.

I end by saying this;the good news is that who ever finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord,Proverbs 18:22.A wife brings favour not a woman but a wife.
God loves you and so do I.
69  Forum / Religion / WHETHER GOD DOES IT OR NOT, LOVE GOD THE MORE AND HE WILL DO MUCH MORE. on: 25-05-2012 11:50 AM
God is looking for people that will love Him not because of what He can do or what He can give but because of who He is. This is the ultimate, there is nobody that will decide to trust God irrespective of what He does or does not do that will not be blessed above all nations of the earth. Deuteronomy 28:1-14.

Come to that point where what God does or does not do is not compared to how you feel about Him. Whether He answers your prayers or not, you still love Him. This is the realm that God begins to answer you even if you have not prayed. Isaiah 65:24.

Please sign up for this kind of love for God that is not conditional. It is the way to get everything, more than a thousand fold from God. I see that heart desire of yours coming to pass today in Jesus name. Matthew 6:33.
70  Forum / Religion / Let the mouths of the lions be shut. on: 25-05-2012 11:48 AM
One day Daniel was thrown into the lions den to be stopped forever. But God shut the mouths of the lions. There are people speaking against your progress, they don't want you to enjoy forever. But they are all liars, because after today your testimonies shall be perfected. Psalm 140:11. What was it that made God to shut the mouths of the lions? Daniel was boastful about God. He was told not to pray to his God but he disobeyed, he opened his window for all to see him praying to his God. Although he was locked up in the lions den for a night, but he was celebrated and exalted in the morning. The night time is the time where lions are most hungry, but they rather starved than eat Daniel. God shut their mouths, they lost their appetite. Daniel allowed nothing to stop him from loving God. It is time to separate yourself practically from those people and those things that don't want you to serve God properly. Let that person go and you will go forward. Whatever is speaking against your progress from now on is stopped in the name of Jesus Christ. They stood against Daniel but God showed up on time. God will show up on time for you today, you will not be defeated in Jesus precious name.
71  Forum / Religion / The bible is not a Christian book, it is the manual for life on: 25-05-2012 11:47 AM
The bible is not a Christian book, it is the manual for life, a book for everyone but you must be a christian to understand it, It is not a religious book, it is the book that shows THE way, THE truth and The life.

Many people have often misunderstood what the bible is, they feel it is a book Christians read or go to church with, it is not that, it is a book for man as a whole, it is not a story book either it is a living book, it is not a history book, it is a reality book, it has the now effect. 2nd timothy 3:16. The bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit, so it is only the Holy Spirit that can give understanding. Everything about your life is in there. What you should do, what you should know, the answer to every question is in there. Take the bible as God talking to you at the moment, don't take it as something that happened in the past. It is the written word of God for the NOW. Whatever challenge you are going through will end today in the precious name of Jesus Christ. This word I just released into your life is written in Proverbs 23:18. So it is not what I just said to make you feel good, It is the word of God to you. That challenge you may be experiencing comes to an end today in the name of Jesus Christ.
72  Forum / Religion / A heavenly perspective on: 21-04-2012 09:48 PM
''...Great is your reward in heaven...'' Luke 6:23
Read these three Scriptures carefully: '...He shall reward every man according to his works' (Matthew 16:27). '...You will have treasure in heaven...' (Matthew 19:21 NIV). '...You will be repaid at the resurrection...' (Luke 14:14 NIV). God is keeping track of what you do for Him each day. You have more to gain by serving the Lord than you ever imagined. Yes, He will bless and reward you in this life, but nothing by comparison to what awaits you in the next one. When you know that, simple decisions such as how you spend your time, your money and your energy suddenly become opportunities with great promise.

Once you understand that, you begin to live with an unshakable certainty that everything you do today-matters forever. And that truth can change your life for the better! Jesus said: 'Blessed are you when men hate you...exclude you...and reject your name as evil...Rejoice in that day and leap for joy...' (Luke 6:22-23 NIV).

Now Jesus didn't mean that when you're mistreated on His behalf, you'll be so happy you'll want to dance an Irish jig. No, He said, 'Great is your reward in heaven.' Those six words reveal why you can rejoice in the worst of circumstances. You see, there's a direct connection between something you do for God on earth, and something 'great' He's going to do for you in heaven. Jesus isn't asking you to enjoy misery on His behalf; that's masochism. He's saying that your rewards in heaven, for certain actions on earth, will be so wonderful that simply knowing they're coming can transform how you live now. It can actually create spontaneous outbursts of joy!
73  Forum / Religion / Sharing your dream (3) on: 21-04-2012 09:46 PM
''...Lord, open his eyes so he may see...'' 2 Kings 6:17
Fourth, you must share your dream visually. Only when people 'see it,' will they buy into it. People are in search of significance; they want to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. Author Studs Terkel observed: 'Most of us are looking for a calling, not a job. Most of us...have jobs that are too small for our spirit.' When a dream is truly great, it benefits everyone. Your job is to help people see what those benefits are. You need to help them connect with the opportunities for achieving personal growth, finding fulfilment and increasing their self-esteem.

You need to provide them with every reason you have for joining. If you can't offer them plenty of legitimate reasons for doing so, then you have no business trying to recruit them in the first place. Will this be easy? No, it never is. Even people who say they desire a dream often don't want it. What they want is the result of the dream, not the price required to achieve it. Look at all the TV commercials for diets. People see before and after pictures, and they want the 'after.'But if you live your dream, practice integrity and achieve a degree of success, people will see what the dream has done for you and that will make them want it too. How will you know when you have successfully shared your dream with someone else? Because they will take ownership of it, add to it and want to make it even bigger and better. When that happens, your dream becomes bigger than you or your team.
74  Forum / Religion / Sharing your dream (2) on: 21-04-2012 09:44 PM
Third, you must share your dream emotionally. Paul knew how to do this: '...You Philippians became my partners...what makes me happiest is the well-earned reward you will have...' (vv.15-17 TLB). Get people excited about the rewards. So show them the dream from their perspective! Ralph Waldo Emerson struggled, trying to wrestle a young calf into his barn. He was ready to give up when an Irish servant girl walked over to the calf, stuck her finger in its mouth, and the calf, associating the sensation with its mother, followed the girl into the barn. Pushing and prodding people doesn't work. But if you help them to feel that they will benefit personally, they're likely to go along. People do things for their own reasons, not yours. And their reasons are almost always tied to their emotions. Don't be afraid to show people your heart. People buy into the dreamer before they buy into the dream. You may be able to communicate the idea of your dream in a few minutes, but it will take a lot longer to convince people of where your heart is. It will require patience. Of course you are enthusiastic, but you must adapt your stride to the slower pace of others. If you run too far ahead, you will lose your power to influence them. Generally, people have to hear an idea at least seven times before they embrace it and call it their own. Ten percent of people are pioneers, 70 percent are settlers and 20 percent are antagonists. Make it your goal to win over the pioneers, to wait for the settlers and to leave the antagonists behind.
75  Forum / Religion / Sharing your dream (1) on: 21-04-2012 09:39 PM
''...That you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.'' 1 Corinthians 1:10
To fulfil your dream you must know how to share it with others. And to do that successfully you must be able to connect with them in four ways. First, you must connect with them logically. What people don't believe, they don't buy into. So your first step is to gain credibility. If you don't, you will not be able to proceed any further. How do you do that? By communicating a realistic understanding of the situation as it is today. Every time you share your vision, one of the first things people will ask is 'But what about...?' If they don't ask it out loud, they say it to themselves. And they will keep asking it until you have addressed all their concerns.

This requires being extremely thorough when sharing your dream, and not dwelling on its positive benefits to the exclusion of the challenges. Second, you must provide a sound strategy they can believe in. If a dream seems too large and unattainable, people will become discouraged and quickly lose interest. When big dreams are broken down into smaller pieces and different pieces are given to talented individuals, the task seems more attainable and each person involved has an increased sense of personal ownership and involvement.

There is a real art to communicating all this effectively, without getting bogged down in details or boring people. You have to give enough information to satisfy most people, but not so much that you lose them. All this takes skill, practice and God's help. But to share your dream with others, you must learn to do it.
76  Forum / Religion / How to communize problems and challenges on: 21-04-2012 09:23 PM
Every temptation is common,every challenge is common. It is not special,neither is it perculiar to only you. If you see it as a special problem, it will then appear big, but if you commonise it then it will become small.

Once a problem appears small to you, fear would then leave your heart and faith will begin to work. Imagine Lazarus died and Jesus said that he was just sleeping. He commonised death and Lazarus came back to life even after four days. I believe that issue had lingered for long because you are seeing it as big. No matter the challenge,it is common. Commonise it and it will bow down to the word of God. 1st Corinthians 10:13. To commonise something is to treat something as not important,start treating your challenges as not important. The easiest way to commonise an issue is to measure that issue with the size of GOD. Nothing is bigger than God. I pray for you that as you begin to commonise those challenges, you will begin to experience your desired breakthrough in Jesus Precious name. Please share this message through any medium,it will be a blessing to someone.
77  Forum / Religion / deciding on you thought on: 20-04-2012 11:29 PM
When we change how we think - from thinking like the world to thinking on, dwelling on God's promises- thinking on, dwelling on things that we are thankful for - thinking on, dwelling on encouraging others, praying for others and serving our mighty God, we change.
Don't believe me? Take this challenge. Give thanks every day, through prayer for 30 days; and don't complain, just constantly give thanks... catch yourself, change the habit of despair, disappointment and discouragement. .. and become a beacon of hope and light.
78  Forum / Religion / How to know your prayers are answered on: 20-04-2012 11:26 PM
This message is very important because most people think that it is until they see the answer then God has not heard them. Once you can know when your prayers are answered then prayer will be a delight and not a struggle. I will show you by the help of the Holy Spirit one sure way to know when your prayer has been answered already so that you don't continue praying endlessly. If you don't know when your prayer is answered you will be praying forever over thesame thing. You can shut the door over the answer of your prayers by praying as if it has not been answered. Mark 11:24, WHATSOEVER YOU DESIRE WHEN YOU PRAY,BELIEVE THAT YOU RECEIVE THEM AND YOU SHALL HAVE THEM.

It is the points of faith that counts in prayers not the number of days. It is not the length of prayers and fasting that matters but the points of faith. How do I know when my prayers are answered? you may be asking; You will know when you believe and when your faith says so, how do I know if my faith says so? You will know is your faith says so When you enter into rest on the matter, not the rest of tiredness but the rest you get when you are no more anxious. What then do you do between when you believe and when you possess practically. THANKSGIVING. You must thank God till you see it. You will see the answer to that prayer today in the name of Jesus Christ
79  Forum / Religion / is this decision In Laws or Out of laws? on: 20-04-2012 11:23 PM
''...A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife...'' Matthew 19:5
After arguing for hours, a couple drove along in silence. Suddenly they passed a barnyard filled with mules and jackasses. Sarcastically, the husband asked, 'Relatives of yours?' The wife replied, 'Yes, in-laws.' Marriage was God's idea, and it was a good one. Picking up the theme, Jesus said, 'A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife.'

In marriage, 'two's company, three's a crowd!' So here are ten commandments for being a good in-law:
1) Thou shalt love, honour and respect the couple.
2) Thou shalt grant them independence, resisting the urge to show them 'a better way' of doing things.
3) Thou shalt be loyal and not criticise them, for, '...That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging...' (Matthew 7:2 TM). 4) Thou shalt not find fault: 'Don't...jump on their want the same treatment...' (Matthew 7:1 TM).
5) Thou shalt not outwear thy welcome, and always call before thou showest up at their dwelling. '...Don' up at all hours...[they'll]...get fed up' (Proverbs 25:17 TM).
6) Thou shalt not expect them to visit thee too often.
7) Thou shalt refrain from giving unsolicited advice: 'A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in...' (Proverbs 29:11). Cool Thou shalt not talk about how thou wantest grand children unless they are already on the way.
9) Thou shalt respect their home decorating taste even when it differeth from thine.
10) Thou shalt pray for them daily and without fail. If you are an in-law who doesn't want to be viewed as an out-law, live by these commandments!
80  Forum / Religion / What yoyu really stand for on: 20-04-2012 11:18 PM
''Above all else, guard your heart...'' Proverbs 4:23
The Bible says: 'Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.' The position you hold in life may cause people to take notice of you, but only your integrity will cause them to respect you and be willing to follow you. And integrity is only established when it becomes clear to everyone that progress, financial reward and recognition are not your gods; that you value something more, something you refuse to give up for profit or popularity.

With integrity comes influence. You can manage people without integrity but you can't influence them without it. Talking one way and living another will wound you. And depending on time and circumstance, you may not be able to recover from it. You say, 'How I conduct my private life is nobody else's business.' Wrong! When people see a difference between what you demand of others and what you demand of yourself, it'll erode their respect for you every time. Your position may make you secure, but your influence with others will always remain fragile.

At any given time you are only one decision, one word or one action away from destroying what it took years to build. Why is it important to keep this in mind? Because the fastest route from where you are today to where you will be tomorrow is not always the most honourable one. Leading and being the person you want to be doesn't come easy and doesn't always line up. It's in those moments, however, that you discover a great deal about yourself-you find out what you truly stand for!
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