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Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: WICKEDNESS! Ethnic clash averted as Hausa youths murdered a Yoruba man in Lagos (Page 47) |
on: 23-03-2012 12:56 AM
| Bravo!!! Just when i was about to ask you how you lost your dad, you post this wonderful details. WOW!! what more can open_reality say? i can feel your pain girlfriend and i know how deep it hurts. Everything just seem to be falling apart for you and your family. Hey listen, get your act together and hit the street. Who knows? you might be lucky today to hook up with a ritualist. Even if you die in the process, i guess everyone would appreciate the fact that you tried you best to make a living and support your family. But please be careful and don't forget the "no condom, no show " rule. I'm sure you don't wanna die like your elder sis. Be warned head to the street. BEST OF LUCK. Numbskull,u mean u need me to announce to the entire world that ur sis died of AIDS,it was such a terrible experience,its just unfortunate that you are threading her path and you may end up like her soon, stop being frustrated bitch,imma calm ur hot blood down with ma silly replies,if u got problem with ur man,I advise u go settle it instead of coming here to pick on people unnecessarily. This is the 8th time u gonna abort for that bastard isn't it obvious to u that he isn't gonna marry u? Ma dear,go and get a phyuking life and stop crying for me,I aint phyuking u neither is ma dog doing it so I aint responsible for ur predicaments...mofo | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: WICKEDNESS! Ethnic clash averted as Hausa youths murdered a Yoruba man in Lagos (Page 47) |
on: 23-03-2012 12:35 AM
| Oh yeah.........i lynch on scumbags and sluts like you. As a good citizen of Nigeria, why should i allow infested maggot like you to wander around freely when i can destroy ur sorry ass in one go? Now you really remind me what a low life is. Listen u japanese untrained pig, there is no fcuking husband here for you or your kind. Swallow your shameless pride and run to ur disgusting village to marry your ex boyfriend. That's the only hope you have if you ever wanna bear "mrs". Moron.
Wait there bitch,did I just read this from u? "Good citizen of nigeria" wow,u are nothing but a wasted child,u have succeeded in being a nuisance to ur household,ur community and nigeria as a whole,with most of ur phyuking comments that have read here,you deserved to be castrated like a dog that you are,shot on the arms and on the legs so that u become disabled after which you should be left to die gently and with ur dead body fed to the birds. Ma poppy is gonna find ur sick body palatable after I cook u in hot water and autoclave you so as not to get ma poppy infested. Ninnie-witty | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: WICKEDNESS! Ethnic clash averted as Hausa youths murdered a Yoruba man in Lagos (Page 47) |
on: 23-03-2012 12:21 AM
Talking about bitches pls remind me, what's your mum's name? oops bitch of course! The only fcuking right you have is to strip naked and dive into an acid pool if you find our comments offensive. fcuking twat who the hell do you think you are? You sound like a frustrated stranded dog without food for days. Shapeless monkey trying to seek attention. You think here is the right place to look for a husband? i pity your sorry ass. Bonehead.
She-goat daughter of a beserk woman,u could go on top of a live pole and dance disco for all I care,whooa,is that ur phyuking mission here,to seek husband? Sweet pete,u look like u gonna die soon so why waste ur time seekin a man again,u so much look like my puppy's pooh,asian dog with boobs sweeping the floor..for ur information moronic imbecile...ur time is up cos ur days are counting already. | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: WICKEDNESS! Ethnic clash averted as Hausa youths murdered a Yoruba man in Lagos (Page 47) |
on: 22-03-2012 11:42 PM
| Miss "knw it all", i had to step in cos the issue involved me ok? Kb, i, verah and co got involved into this together against some idiots. I really don't see any reason why you wanna get involved except you want people to notice you for the wrong reasons. You need to rephrase your statement cos you're the one clearly poke-nosing into our business. Lemme make it clear to you, i will not stand back and watch u insult any of my mates here especially on this post. Stay out of our business and enjoy ur time here on naijapals. Get involved in our business and be ready to face us in EVERY SINGLE POST on this site. I'm just calling you to order.
Then I guess u have gone nuts to think u or any other bitch would give me order..,I saw something not too good and I have every phyuking right to make a comment,I aint no baby that u would scare with u phyuking own the site or why do you wanna become a landlord over another person's property. Freedom of speech here bitch,I would rather advise you don't step on ma toes...who the phyuk do you think you are..queen of the bedbugs or what. phyuk off | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: WICKEDNESS! Ethnic clash averted as Hausa youths murdered a Yoruba man in Lagos (Page 47) |
on: 22-03-2012 11:15 PM
| Miss did you sign in here to be rude? The comments we posted here got absolutely nothing to do with you ok? i've tried talking to you to hit the ignore button but u certainly ain't listening. Don't get yourself involved into something you'll find difficult to run out. Roll the dice............. your call.
Maami,unless the profile kabella and open_reality are the same person if not,I directed my comment to kebella and I haven't seen in anyways how it concerns open_reality. You ought to wait for me to direct a comment specifically to you before poke-nosing into the affair,unless if u wanna tell me that u are a trouble lover as I presumed from ur previous comments. I only wrote what I wrote to make u know that,there are some comments debasing and not too good for the eyes and shouldn't even come outta a normal human being,I haven't attacked u and so please calm ur temper..though a guilty conscience always runs even when nothing is chasing her. | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: WICKEDNESS! Ethnic clash averted as Hausa youths murdered a Yoruba man in Lagos (Page 47) |
on: 22-03-2012 10:48 PM
| what an irish ape  kip on following our comments yu frustrated bitch -----------yu need a life more than anyone here silly Wtf,which planet are you from? Mars I guess or land of the alliens....who is following ur comments,you got outrightly majority of the comments here and its only a blind man that wouldn't see all the craps that you wrote here,damn u bitch am supposed to call u a woman but naaa,u look and write like an ex-convict,sweet pete are you sick or something? I just made an observation,do u phyuking own this site or can't any other person make a comment all cos u ninnie-witty is here. Go phyuk urself bitch. | | | |