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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: No She Didnt!!! White Girl Blasts UNILAG Students For Protesting Name Change on: 27-06-2012 06:41 PM
Nigerians criticize every action of government even when they can't profer any solution to the problems facn us .For christ sake what's wrong in the name change?Did government allocate a dime to effect the name change ?Or are Jonathan's antagonists from ACN just misleadn people in2  protestn against this laudable action of government?Nigerians should not allow selfish politicians to mislead them QED.   
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: boko haram plans to poison suya to kill the south east or west of nigeria on: 20-06-2012 11:56 PM
Christains should better start fightn back before they are wiped out as was done in Egypt and other Islamic nations.The best way to defend one's self is to attack.Boko haramists are already achievn their aims bcos many xtains now dread going to church