a real bullet to the heart

Gogoman - be careful ! Your rampant sexism and male chauvinism are very worrying and it is only a matter of time before this bad attitude could cost you something big Not all women are evil just like not all men are evil You cannot continue with this behaviour Don’t you have a mother , sisters , nieces or daughters ? What about a wife ? Do they all know how you put down women and treat them like second class citizens ? Why is naija gist not moderating your comments ? Be careful You are going too far and nobody is above the law Once the cancellation starts there will be no where to hide Be kind It costs nothing !
I said before - don’t be predictable and respond with yet more abuse Just change It is still possible
We'll spoken but please save yourself the stress and overlook his horrible continuous insult and disregard towards women, a damaged soul can only be saved when they realise how damaged they are. As for this site, you're a member at ur own risk, there's no proper management whatsoever on the site I would have left after the election cos of the horrendous incessant attacks on my tribe here but I stayed for a reason. If you want to be here, please turn a blind eye to the misconduct going on on the site.