He has touch on a very important FACT that a lot of CHRISTIANS doesn't know. They called everything SIN but Jesus Christ the Son of God let us to know that SIN is not BELIEVING ON HIM. John 16 The Lord thy God let us to know in Gen 4 when we do WELL then we will be accepted if not then SIN lay at the door it becomes the person desire and that person will RULE over it. SIN is something that YOU RULE OVER. Christians doesn't understand that it is only BELIEVING you will be able to avoid SINNING. There are ABOMINATIONS, DEFILED BODY, TRANSGRESSIONS, TRESPASSES and SIN. BELIEVING start with hearing the Word of God which is the LAW OF MOSES and continue with His Son Jesus Christ. You live outside the COMMANDMENTS OF GOD and you reject the Son of God and follow POWER OF CHRIST teaching you are living in SIN. Power of Christ is what use to the DISOBEDIENT ONES. Learn what is SIN and then you will live in RIGHTEOUSNESS. That is why there is BLESSINGS and CURSE for the PEOPLE OF GOD. You BELIEVE you receive BLESSINGS you don't believe you receive CURSE. Hugs and Blessings
I like your comment... We are still learning. We pray for HIS WISDOM.
YAHWEH be praised!!