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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BREAKING NEWS: JONATHAN READS THE RIOT ACT, DEPLOYS ARMED FORCES TO 7 NORTHERN S on: 19-06-2012 01:00 PM
Quote from: kebella on 19-06-2012 11:46 AM
iwe na onuma Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

Nwannem  nwanyi no be small iwe....dis kind tin wey dey happen 4 naija don tire me, everyday rubbish story.. abeg make i waka pass, if dem like, make dem kill dem selves as long as it happens in north...well any christian wey still dey live 4 north dey play with his or her life, its time 4 u to know that u are not welcome by d aboki ppl and dat life has no duplicate,..d best way is just go back home to ur fathers land and start ur own bussiness and leave dis aboki ppl there deserted land and let me see how dem go survive,  deaf and dumb mohamed, aboki and nyari nya dirty pigs,  God go punish all of una soon..cos He is watching and will take action soon...mtchewww Sad Sad Sad
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BREAKING NEWS: JONATHAN READS THE RIOT ACT, DEPLOYS ARMED FORCES TO 7 NORTHERN S on: 19-06-2012 12:35 PM
Quote from: kebella on 19-06-2012 11:46 AM
iwe na onuma Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

Nwanne m nwanyi no be small iwe....dis kind tin wey dey happen 4 naija don tire me, everyday rubbish story.. mtchewww Sad Sad Sad
3  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BREAKING NEWS!!! Northern Governors pay Wages to Us Monthly.” – Boko Haram on: 19-06-2012 09:57 AM
Quote from: ebonyz on 10-03-2012 09:50 PM
Nigeria is no longer a country is just a name

well said
4  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Security Forces makes way as heavily armed robbers raids Ekpoma ... on: 19-06-2012 09:37 AM
nawaoo 4 naija, everyday killing and shooting...  Sad Sad Sad
5  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BREAKING NEWS: JONATHAN READS THE RIOT ACT, DEPLOYS ARMED FORCES TO 7 NORTHERN S on: 19-06-2012 09:13 AM
I hear you, mr president, this one na dog wey dey bark but no fit bite because him no get lever at all.....Abeg we don hear dis before, you dey there and wait  till all d christian die finish before you go take action..GEJ, wake up and be a man...but wait, which security men did you send to those northern states you mentioned? no be dis yeye policemen wey go hear gun sound and dey go run their lives....If i am to be a president..I will tell all christians to leave northern states and go back to  eastern states, then i will declare state of emergency and  import foreign soldiers  or UN soldiers, to destroy all those idiot group ( borko haram), cos nigeria police are weak..."person wey dey sick inside, knows where him dey pain most and u  fit die  if u no talk to doctor about the pain"  Meaning its time GEJ should let other foriegn countries intervene since he cannot handle the issue .. I  strongly belive that AIG, and the fed govt, knows who are sponsoring them and where they hide..Seriously the whole nigeria need help, and GEJ should stand up and become the president we voted him for, and should not be afraid because of the rubbish political interest , but to the sake of the innocent souls being wasted everyday....Infact nigeria should be divided like sudan,southern nigeria and northern nigeria  and there will be peace, cos we igbos are not benefiting anything from northern states anymore...and we dont behave like them...God please help us, we need your intervention....i don talk my mind.. Sad Sad Sad Sad
6  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BREAKING NEWS: JONATHAN READS THE RIOT ACT, DEPLOYS ARMED FORCES TO 7 NORTHERN S on: 19-06-2012 09:12 AM
I hear you, mr president, this one na dog wey dey bark but no fit bite because him no get lever at all.....Abeg we don hear dis before, you dey there and wait  till all d christian die finish before you go take action..GEJ, wake up and be a man...but wait, which security men did you send to those northern states you mentioned? no be dis yeye policemen wey go hear gun sound and dey go run their lives....If i am to be a president..I will tell all christians to leave northern states and go back to  eastern states, then i will declare state of emergency and  import foreign soldiers  or UN soldiers, to destroy all those idiot group ( borko haram), cos nigeria police are weak..."person wey dey sick inside, knows where him dey pain most and u  fit die  if u no talk to doctor about the pain"  Meaning its time GEJ should let other foriegn countries intervene since he cannot handle the issue .. I  strongly belive that AIG, and the fed govt, knows who are sponsoring them and where they hide..Seriously the whole nigeria need help, and GEJ should stand up and become the president we voted him for, and should not be afraid because of the rubbish political interest , but to the sake of the innocent souls being wasted everyday....Infact nigeria should be divided like sudan,southern nigeria and northern nigeria  and there will be peace, cos we igbos are not benefiting anything from northern states anymore...and we dont behave like them...God please help us, we need your intervening....i don talk my mind.. Sad Sad Sad Sad
7  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Racist Remarks: What If They Think Ukraine's In Africa! (See Video Inside) (Page 3) on: 27-05-2012 11:24 PM
Quote from: CammyWhite on 27-05-2012 10:00 PM
And here's another example of how a thread supposedly denouncing racism has been hijacked by bigots, racists and fools.

Yes I agree that all whites are not racist but you are the number one racist by making rubbish comment...
8  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Racist Remarks: What If They Think Ukraine's In Africa! (See Video Inside) on: 27-05-2012 11:16 PM
Quote from: CammyWhite on 27-05-2012 09:58 PM
So you rant about racism in one breath and blatantly spout it in the next. Hypocrite much?
Thunder fire you there...Kitikpa gbagbuo gi there..stupid A*#S....albino racist..loser
9  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Racist Remarks: What If They Think Ukraine's In Africa! (See Video Inside) on: 27-05-2012 11:12 PM
Quote from: CammyWhite on 27-05-2012 09:58 PM
So you rant about racism in one breath and blatantly spout it in the next. Hypocrite much?

Hey you b**ch!!!!!....who do you think you are? you better get your smelling ass off this site, can't you see you are not welcome here,You don't belong here, everyone is against your stupid and sentimental opinion.I  live in USA, so i know what blacks are suffering from the white pigs., imagine a white teacher calling a black little kid   " HEY BLACK NIGGA"  in front of the whole students.. A WHITE pastor dimissed a white lady from a church  because she is married to a black man......Take your brown and stinking GARLIC MOUTH to caucasian sites...we dont need white A*#Ss here...HAHAHA Grin Grin Grin Grin LOSERS ALBINOS ALBINOS ALBINOS ..
10  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Racist Remarks: What If They Think Ukraine's In Africa! (See Video Inside) on: 27-05-2012 05:22 PM
Quote from: CammyWhite on 27-05-2012 02:27 AM
O RLY? Why should Caucasians envy Africans in general? You delude yourself.

Hehehehe, I dont give a damn who you are or where you from...You guys are  afraid of blacks taking over your country or maybe blacks ruling your country one day like USA....but you forgot that a black man is ruling the most powerful country in the whole world (USA)... Hate it or love it, blacks are superior to whites, I can change my colour to white if i like by adding lotion to my body, but you can't change white to black unless you pour  acid , or chemicals to your skin or get  burnt by fire..I'm proud to be a black man....
If you hate it, abeg go and jump in to the ocean.. ALBINOS WEY NO DEY BATH.....I rest my case..  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Tongue Tongue Tongue
11  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why so many Naija guys betray European wives? on: 17-05-2012 09:39 PM
Quote from: kebella on 17-05-2012 07:18 PM
yu go soon join Gej 4 him cavassa bread factory Grin Grin Grin Grin

Nne ihe nka dikwa egwu....there marriage na sex and after sex, they will feed u with bread and leaves, how person go survive by eating those rubbish foods...abeg i better join GEJ than eating rubish foods called american bread or hamburger...i miss my fathers land..
12  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why so many Naija guys betray European wives? on: 17-05-2012 07:29 PM
Quote from: z4life on 17-05-2012 04:26 PM
My dear stupid, ignorant and illitrate poster. It is my pleasure to introduce you to the factors, that causes break up in marriages in europe.
1. European law. A women is considerd the head of the home, while in Nigeria,  a man is the head of the home. women like u have used the law to uppress your husband and now he has left u, then u came proving your stupidity and greediness in

Cultural difference. Cultural difference is a way or style of living and it exist even between brothers and sisters. Cultural difference as a factor influencing marriages and relationships is very delicate. If brothers and sister can have misunderstanding, bcos of differences in their ways of doing thing(cultural differences), consider how large it becomes when compared to your neighbor, tribes, cities, states, country...then continent. This was why I called u illitrate in the start.

Very importnat point and the final poster go and marry transformer cos we naija guys like our culture period.....
Uncompromising attitude. In life, everyone under go changes at a point in life. In most cases when couples was suppose to compromise on some sensitive issues, european woman would rather consult social help for getting what they want and it becomes a desaster. The few european woman who compromises, who cares abt the man`s  culture, who are submisive, who embrasses the man`s culture and  who relinguishes power to their man last longer in marriages, if not forever. Did u listen to your  husband and support his ideas? U should have done more listening than talking, like u just did now on Naijapals.

So my dear, stop wondering and wonderin and wondering. I have given u some few factore which causes break up so u can continue from there and stop being nasty and a STUPID!!!!!  
13  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why so many Naija guys betray European wives? on: 17-05-2012 07:01 PM
Quote from: HOPEA23 on 17-05-2012 12:09 AM
because una nor fit cook pounded yam and bitter leaf soup with dry fishs like a nigerian woman can...dem dey tire for eating leafs all the time na..dem nor be goat sha..hope u understand me

Well said..i am a witness...i dey marry akata for usa..i never eat a akpu, pounded yam or egwusi soup...i only eat bread and long will i continue living like that in the sake of love or sex?..i rather remain single and eat or get what i want..i only cook but she buys fast food..damm.dis is bullshit..i love our african culture joorr..other culture sucks
14  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why so many Naija guys betray European wives? on: 17-05-2012 06:53 PM
Quote from: ROYAlPRINCE77 on 16-05-2012 09:37 PM
so called white usually call off marriage as if is a girlfriend and boyfriend relationship.......small argument the next you hear is divorce....poster go to hell with your western brain anyway who invited you in this site. let boko haram visit your home this week

 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin.... abeg i don throw way my andriod phone as laugh catch me..... Oh  boy your vex no be small...
15  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Why so many Naija guys betray European wives? on: 17-05-2012 06:35 PM
Quote from: kebella on 16-05-2012 07:27 PM
very greedy bitches they wanna taste black TJ Angry

 Grin Grin Grin Grin..abeg wt is TJ?
16  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Thousands witness Kano’s first mass wedding on: 16-05-2012 08:32 AM
nyarinya ina aso nke... illiterate northerns....
17  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Thousands witness Kano’s first mass wedding on: 16-05-2012 08:30 AM
nyarinya ina aso nke...
18  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Thousands witness Kano’s first mass wedding on: 16-05-2012 08:27 AM
nyarinya ina so nke...
19  Forum / Politics / Re: POWER BY FORCE? "Blood Will Flow In 2015 Unless..." - Buhari on: 16-05-2012 08:25 AM
ok naa..lets see who go die first..abi u don forget wetin happen to abacha...stupid aboki...
20  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Nigerian raga musician, Ekwe Sample, arrested for Alleged Murder of Lover on: 16-05-2012 08:23 AM
una sure say na him kill am? it might be something else that killed her...police should investigate welloo before taking justice..but if na him kill am after investigation..., Ekwe you are hereby sentenced by hanging or one thousand years in imprisonment...choose one now or........
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