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Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 16-yr-Old Russian Boy Survives After Jumping From A 23rd Storey Building To Impress A Girl |
on: 27-09-2016 07:19 AM
| According to Kison, just be careful next time
''God wants you to be holy and completely free from segxwal immorality'' because ''without holiness no one can enter heaven or see God''. God hate all sin but frowns more at any kind of segxwal sin. You might ask, what are segxwal sins? Well, they are fornication-sex between unmarried people, adultery-between married and unmarried people, Lesbianism, bestiality, homosegxwality, pornography-enjoying pictures and videos of naked women/men, pedophilia-adult sleeping with children, kissing/ romancing/touching/ petting who you are not married to, masturbation (practiced by both men and women, boys and girls), oral and anal sex, bestiality, using sex toys, etc, flee from these things and repent...God hates them! People who do such things will burn in hell fire forever. | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Lady Who Sold Noddles & Egg To See Herself And Sister Through School Shares Her Testimony |
on: 20-09-2016 08:52 AM
| Inspiring
GIVE IT TIME... When someone comes and tells you, I can't sleep without you, I love you the way you are and I can put up with your good and bad attitude. Before you commit your heart please GIVE IT TIME. When You meet someone today and feel like marrying him/her tomorrow, before you do remember you need to GIVE IT TIME When you visit your uncle and you are to stay there for 2weeks holidays, don't be carried away that they serve you your preferred food and give you hot water to bath during your first two days and you start making arrangement to relocate to their house, First GIVE IT TIME. When a brother visits you and wakes you up by his shouting of prayer from 12am to 6am, please don't shut him down, first GIVE IT TIME. When a bro joins your fellowship in First year and he is in every group/unit, please don't rush and make him a leader rather GIVE IT TIME. When you enter a new environment and everybody worships you and eats your messes, don't be carried away just GIVE IT TIME. When someone comes with a new business with unbelievable promises, please before you involve your money, first GIVE IT TIME. When you see a new church in town and you hear their waves, before you conclude about how hot they are first GIVE IT TIME. Finally when you are in a cross road of decisions, you don't know what to do, ask the people or person involved to please give you time. The wise priest in the Bible in Acts told them to leave Peter and John...Rather, give them time. You can be good in giving people tests and trying out who they are...some people know how to pass them all but the test of time they fail. Time tests Love and proves it. Time tests businesses and authenticates it. Time tests spirituality and reveals it. Time, a good tester. Your Uncle or Father told You that you are useless and worthless and can't amount to anything, just laugh it away and ask them to GIVE YOU TIME. Quote me... Consistency with time is the true test of Efficiency. Time is a tester Time is an AUTHENTICATOR Time is a REVEALER TIME IS STILL A MATTER Thanks for giving this long post your TIME. | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 19-year-old Boy, Jelili Afolabi Arrested For Molesting 16 Years Old Girl At Lagos Beach |
on: 15-09-2016 11:26 AM
| He learnt it from somewhere
*THE SIN OF PORNOGRAPHY:* *****"************************ ************************* Porn was not made for entertainment or fun it was made purposely to destroy both the actors and their viewers. It feeds man with lust and makes him hungry for more. That is what result in masturbation and all abominable segxwal act.
Ignorant men and women love to watch it for fun not knowing that they are inviting demons of lust to themselves.
It is a great doorway for demonic entrance. They don't need to have spare keys to be in your room. They only need you to watch their product and they will come in through the walls!. If you sit down alone to watch something on the TV please have it in mind that you are not alone. There are evil beings looking out for your weaknesses to attack you. When demons get to know that you are weak in a particular area, they will make it difficult for you to overcome it. You will understand why people keep on falling back into the same sin over and over again!
The good news is, you can still win and overcome! in Jesus. Through discipline, prayer and fasting. Otherwise, those demons will put stumbling blocks in your paths to trap you so we can't afford to be careless friends.
Too many men and women are hooked to porn and are struggling to overcome it after seeing the damaging side of it.
Even some pastors fall into it. We should know that the actors are being used by demons to go to that extreme to degrade their bodies.
Married men and women who get addicted to porn find it difficult to sleep with their own spouses, young men and young ladies who are not married will also masturbate.
Porn is very addictive, it is easy to watch but hard to walk away from. They have labelled it as *"adult channel"* it isn't so it is *abominable channel!!* A colleague of mine told me years back that it is alright to watch porn with your spouse if you are married, that was a lie! I disagreed with him. I wasn't as ignorant as he was. If Jesus wouldn't watch why should we? knowing that we are His bride and the temple. immorality People who watch segxwal end up having strong irresistible segxwal urges, because they have invited the demon of lust to live in them. Once the spirit brings up the desire you can't stand the pressure but do it with whoever you get, whether your close relative, a child or even animal .
This has ended many into prison. The rate at which sex offenders are increasing is alarming in our society. the Friends, close watching eyes from watching obscene pictures before it destroys you. Some people have the nerves to post porns on Christian sites on Facebook and other social media. Please delete or block such people straight away! They are sending people to hell!.
A man who was addicted to porn confessed that his whole life was destroyed by it. It distorted his image on how he viewed women. He saw women as nothing more than mere *"sex tools"*
*Romans 6:13* "Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves God, as those that are alive from the dead and your members of righteousness unto God"
What will help one to overcome this sin is the holy fear of God in a man, knowing that it will be a shame to set your eyes on vulgar images when the Lord is seated next to you.
Porn is deadly, Destroy it before it destroys you. Keep yourself pure!!! You are God's temple!!!! | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: SAD! Late Pastor's Wife Thrown Of Hubby's Home Cos She Didn't Have Any Child For Him |
on: 9-09-2016 12:34 PM
| Most in laws don't even know what couples go through in marriage. Once there's no child, they blame the wife. That is totally wrong. A friend of mine had this same problem for almost10yrs, in laws said a lot of things and wanted her out. Meanwhile it was her husband that had bad sperm. Eventually, they settled with donors and now have a baby. Stupid in laws are happy, don't know how far. Inlaws, you people should free couples. Let them be. You don't know what is going on in couples bedroom.
You are right, sometimes it's the man who has the problem but he won't tell the family when they complain about his wife not bearing children. | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Prayers Saved Passengers On Board Flight From Lagos To Abuja. |
on: 6-09-2016 10:48 AM
| People actually love life like that?
LESSONS FROM THIS FUNNY JOKE - Screen-saver! A rich man died and immediately found his soul at the gate of heaven. The angel at the gate told him, “Now you are dead and you are here for judgment. You didn’t serve God well with all your heart, but because of all the great and good efforts you made for humanity when you were alive, I will give you an uncommon privilege. You have the chance to choose where you want to go, hell or heaven.” The rich man asked the angel to permit him to have a look at both heaven and hell before he could make a choice. The angel permitted him, so he allowed him to first view hell. When the angel took the rich man to hell, he saw beautiful ladies wearing swimming kits, dancing and having fun with glasses of wine. Then the angel took him to see heaven, there he saw angels singing hymns and praising God. So the angel asked the rich man to make a choice. The rich man said, “I will prefer hell, it is fun and more exciting there, let me go to hell” Then the angel said, “According to your decision.” The rich man was thrown into hell, and to his greatest surprise he found himself in the flames of fire with brimstone raining upon him and demons ready to torment him for ever. The rich man cried to the angel, “What happened? Where are those beautiful girls having fun that I saw here before?” The holy angel replied, “What you saw then was just a screen-saver” This a joke, because in reality, there is no chance for repentance after death, it is judgment (Hebrews 9:27). But this shows how Satan deceives people with the things of this world. Whatever you see in this world are mere screen- saver; the fun, fame, fancy, fashion, and fortune are empty screen-saver that have nothing to profit the real you, which is your soul. Do not sell yourself to sin because of earthly pleasure and position and then find yourself in eternal pain and plaque. Why will you give up a permanent heavenly paradise for a passing earthly possession? Don't be foolish. Do not exchange your soul just for Satan's screen-saver that can't last as your soul. Don't jeopardize your soul. Your soul is the real you, your soul will last forever just as God will be forever, and just as Satan will be forever; if you surrender your life to Jesus Christ and follow Him till the end, you will reign with God forever in heaven and in pleasure; but if you remain in sin or fall back into sin, you will be forever with Satan in the Lake of fire, in unimaginable torment. NOW YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO MAKE A CHOICE, DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE!!! | | |
Forum / Politics / Re: EXPOSED! Female Pastor Arrested For Operating A Prostitution Cartel In Her C&S Church |
on: 5-09-2016 09:13 AM
As you are busy thinking about what to eat, wear and your future...Also remember to think about heaven-make sure you have a place there because it will be a big error to walk this earth and not go there. Hell is not a nice place but how you live determines where you go.
You cannot enter heaven by making positive confessions as some people teach and believe...I hear some preachers tell their members to say ''I am not a sinner'', I am not a fornicator'' even when the fellow is drowning in sin. And then the person will say ''I am already in heaven''-No! It doesn't work that way, YOU MUST WORK OUT YOUR SALVATION by making conscious effort to live a holy and obedient life and staying away from sin by self control and discipline.
Again, that you are in a particular denomination or popular/big church does not guarantee your entrance into heaven but how you observe to obey God's word and do all He says is what matters. What are your spiritual leaders teaching you? Some leaders teach half truth while some don't teach the truth at all and they have thousands of is growing but heaven is reducing.
I heard a story of a young man who was wearing earings, people told him it is wrong so he went to find out from his pastor but the pastor told him he can serve God with whatever he have , anyhow! Exodus 33:1-6, Gen. 35:1-4.
A lady was in a church where they were putting on trousers, she was watching Television when a man of God was preaching against trouser so she went to confront her pastor because she has never heard him preach against it. The pastor told her, ''yes I know trouser is a sin but if I preach it, will you still come to my church''? Deu. 22:5
Yet these preachers talk about blessing, riches, prosperity and talk about sin/salvation casually with no seriousness-members scream for them to ''ride on'', even when they are riding the people to hell. Because of some of these teachings of error, we find selfishness, self will and desire among many so called christians, we find a lifestyle contrary to what is expected of a true christian, we find their women both young and old dress like Jezebel (infact they are daughters of Jezebel as the scriptutre says) in their abominable clothing of trousers, mini and micro skirts, all kinds of artificial hair and things like paints/makeup, ornaments/jewelries to adorn themselves-they tell you God look at the heart but I TELL YOU THAT GOD ALSO LOOKS AT YOUR BODY AND WHAT YOU WEAR OR PUT ON. GOD IS ANGRY!!! Their women don't cover their hair in worship to honor God but display their artificial hair because THEY HAVE BEEN DECEIEVED BY THEIR THEOLOGIANS WHO FEEL THEY NOW KNOW MORE THAN GOD...what about those who attend or belong to holiness churches but are not born again or still drink, smoke, masturbate, watch pornography, commit adultery and fornication, lie, steal, cheat, belong to secret cult and societies, talk anyhow and treat people anyhow, proud, curse and abuse, prayerless and don't read the bible, stiil go to clubs, etc, and still claim to be christians when they have lost it? -GOD WILL JUDGE YOU WHERE HE MEETS YOU EXCEPT YOU REPENT, YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE HIS WRATH, ANGER AND FIRE IF YOU ARE IN SUCH ERRORS.
Search the truth, now is the time to weep, repent in dust and ashes because a time is coming when the enemy will take over the world, then your tears will mean nothing. SETTLE ISSUES WITH GOD NOW IN ORDER TO SAVE YOUR SOUL!
May God bless you as you obey. | | | |