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Forum / Politics / Re: Letterman Obasanjo Leaves PDP Due To Leadership Choice, Writes Another Letter |
on: 12-01-2014 01:26 AM
| Its like none of you understand the what is going on. I am even irritated at GEJ regime. A regime that leaves corrupt politicians to steal more. Billion of Naira are being stolen everyday. OBJ wrote letter to with draw from such a shameful party, and all some people are saying is Mr Letter has started again. ,,,,shouldn't all Nigerians stand up one day and fight for Human Right?. Nigerian is blessed in Africa, we are not meant to be poor. The future of Nigeria does not depend on 3-4 politicians, the future of Nigeria depends on we the masses. Either we stand by and enjoy them ruin Nigeria or we do something. Have any of you thought about Life after oil is finished in Nigeria?  What are we going to account for?  Nigeria discovered oil before Dubai, Nigeria gained independence before South Africa, Nigeria was better than Singapore,Malaysia,South Africa, Brazil, and many more country. We are now 5 to poverty in the world while only the rich gets richer. The most richest Africa man is from Nigeria, The most richest black woman in the world is from Nigeria,, Nigerians are allowing all this people to win while we die in poverty. Shame on us all. well said my broda...but don't worry, the cloud is gathering, very soon it will rain.. | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: REVEALED: Is This The Real Truth About Catholic Church? |
on: 6-12-2013 01:38 PM
| dis poster! sometimes i wonder if u even finish secondary school. u finish? I can't imagine how an o'level holder will seat and compose such a long article and yet no single meaning in it.. of all the things happening in the country, politicians looting the county, killing, ibori in prison, obj na monkey gej na woman, etc, u no see dem write... u dey here dey quote bible for us.. no be say u even dey go church. arant nonsense | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: REVEALED: Is This The Real Truth About Catholic Church? |
on: 6-12-2013 01:21 PM
| dis poster! sometimes i wonder if u even finish secondary school. u finish? I can't imagine how an o'level holder will seat and compose such a long article and yet no single meaning in it.. of all the things happening in the country, politicians looting the county, killing, ibori in prison, obj na monkey gej na woman, etc, u no see dem write... u dey here dey quote bible for us.. no be say u even dey go church. arant nonsense | | |
Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: J.Martins Blasts Wizkid For Being Proud And Arrogant To His Loyal Fans |
on: 28-08-2013 12:32 PM
| You guys on naija pals are fools and bunch of jobless Nigerians...can someone here tell me how much his or her education as provided for u and your families....instead of you to beg and pray to your God to help you and bless you. You guys are here hating and beefing....and wizkid is right you POOR PEOPLE ALWAYS THINK YOU HAVE IDEAS OR OPINION.....
Illiterate Wizkid is better than u.. U are a disgrace to ur family.. U think u can make excuses for ur illiteracy.. IDIOT: | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: "I Will Tear and Burn My Nigerian Passport, Once I Become Canadian" - Nigerian |
on: 25-08-2013 03:07 PM
| Every one in authority does what ever he/she likes and no one question's them. What a country we have. What a government... An embassy that is suppose to protect her people, now treating them like slaves. The truth is that nothing is moving in that country anymore. the county is sinking, while the leaders are there, deceiving their people with big meaningless grammars; And the people are there praising them and admiring flashy cars. The only solution to this problem is REVOLUTION. If we do not do it on our own, then nature will do it for us. Whether we like it or not, it must happen someday. | | |
Forum / Politics / Re: EFCC Arrests Ex-Bayelsa State Governor, Timipre Sylva [Photos] |
on: 9-05-2013 12:48 AM
| Arresting him is not the issue... lest's see what happens next... If Ibori ( ex delta state gov.) and Lucky (ex Edo State gov.) could escape 154 and 149 money laundry charges from EFCC, I don't think this thief will not escape, so long as same EFCC is concern.... Lets watch out for the part 2 | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Did First Lady cause Dana airplane to crashed after blocking airspace for 2hrs? |
on: 6-06-2012 03:08 PM
| Well, i think investigations have to be carried out... If really it was the first lady's arrival to lagos that cause the closure of the airport, which lead to crashing of the plane, then it's really a big blow to Goodluck's administriation. But the must important part remains that the plane was already outdated, and should not be flying animals, talk-less human being. The inocent people bought the ticket to their death, with their hard earn money. May their souls rest in peace. Amen. | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Racist Remarks: What If They Think Ukraine's In Africa! (See Video Inside) |
on: 27-05-2012 03:51 PM
| i have told you guys, white people are jealous of us, we we shouldnt see this act of hate or racist remark , this is pure jelaousy, they envy us
U re right my broda, the simple meaning of racism is jealousy. The stupid smelling white puck's are simply jealous. they like to be blacks but can never be... so, that is why they pretend not to like blacks. Just imagine how stupid they are; the poor girl sang very well and gave good message about that useless, poor country of thire's; only for the smelling things to give it a defferent meaning. A child that is hungry for corn puddy, but has no money to buy it, say's it is like a shirt. | | | |