A canal christian can never understand a spiritual christian,the devil will do anytin to stop ur blessing,the devil has agents everywhere and one of dem is d poster.we love to receive from God but we don't want to give to God.remember,God gave his only son.10% of ur income is nothin 2 God,but he said give d 10% and he will bless u.churches pay rent,bills,pastors and other expenses.all these things needs money.giving is what people don't want to hear and that's where the devil robs us.paying ur tithe is an act of faith and it draws u closer to God.don't rob God.i pay my tithe bcoz,i don't want to be cursed and i don't want the devourer to devour my health,finances,families and loved ones.
Guy what are u talking about, u now bribe God with tithe,we all live under the grace of God not by tithing.. Read ur bible lame.