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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Breaking News! Techno oil to Create 1000 jobs for Graduates on: 30-07-2015 11:01 AM
A great sigh of relief has been expressed by thousands of graduates in Nigeria as ‪#‎technooil‬ Nigeria ltd, a leading indigenous integrated energy group has embarked on the construction of a multi-million naira Liquefied Petroleum Gas (cooking gas) cylinder manufacturing plant in Lagos, to produce 5 million units of cylinders annually. Upon completion, this plant is said to create no fewer than 1000 jobs in Nigeria.
This giant stride of decongesting the already saturated labor market of Nigerian graduates, is born out of the company’s campaign to encourage more Nigerians to embrace the use of LPG (cooking gas) which is clean, safe and affordable.
This is in line with the company’s Going Green initiative that advocates the use of cooking gas against the use of firewood or kerosene.
keep tabs of their facebook page when openings are declared
2  Forum / Naijapals / why cant i post topics without links on: 30-07-2015 10:57 AM

A great sigh of relief has been expressed by thousands of graduates in Nigeria as ‪#‎technooil‬ Nigeria ltd, a leading indigenous integrated energy group has embarked on the construction of a multi-million naira Liquefied Petroleum Gas (cooking gas) cylinder manufacturing plant in Lagos, to produce 5 million units of cylinders annually. Upon completion, this plant is said to create no fewer than 1000 jobs in Nigeria.
This giant stride of decongesting the already saturated labor market of Nigerian graduates, is born out of the company’s campaign to encourage more Nigerians to embrace the use of LPG (cooking gas) which is clean, safe and affordable.
This is in line with the company’s Going Green initiative that advocates the use of cooking gas against the use of firewood or kerosene.

3  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Breaking News! just the way it is test on: 30-07-2015 10:45 AM
How to Convince an Employer to Hire You
Whether you are just starting your career or decided to switch you field of work - you have to convince an employer that even though you have little to no experience in the new field, you deserve to get the job. And here are 4 universal tips for the people will help you to convince an employer you are the one to hire.
How to Convince an Employer to Hire You
Whether you are just starting your career or decided to switch you field of work - you have to convince an employer that even though you have little to no experience in the new field, you deserve to get the job. And here are 4 universal tips for the people will help you to convince an employer you are the one to hire.
How to Convince an Employer to Hire You
Whether you are just starting your career or decided to switch you field of work - you have to convince an employer that even though you have little to no experience in the new field, you deserve to get the job. And here are 4 universal tips for the people will help you to convince an employer you are the one to hire.
4  Forum / Education / Re: Principles of Leadership : People Do What People See....What do your people see on: 25-12-2013 10:04 AM
interesting. keep it up poster
5  Forum / Education / Leadership Lessons From Nelson Mandela (Must READ) on: 25-12-2013 02:17 AM
Leadership Lessons From Nelson Mandela

By Ngozi Ekeoma

1. Courage is not the absence of fear
mandela courage by ngozi ekeoma“Mandela was often afraid during his time underground, during the Rivonia trial that led to his imprisonment, during his time on Robben Island. ‘Of course I was afraid!’ he would tell me later. It would have been irrational, he suggested, not to be. ‘I can’t pretend that I’m brave and that I can beat the whole world.’ But as a leader, you cannot let people know. ‘You must put up a front.’ And that’s precisely what he learned to do: pretend and, through the act of appearing fearless, inspire others. It was a pantomime Mandela perfected on Robben Island, where there was much to fear. Prisoners who were with him said watching Mandela walk across the courtyard, upright and proud, was enough to keep them going for days. He knew that he was a model for others, and that gave him the strength to triumph over his own fear.”

2. Lead from the front — but don’t leave your base behind.
mandela leadership by ngozi ekeoma“For Mandela, refusing to negotiate was about tactics, not principles. Throughout his life, he has always made that distinction. His unwavering principle — the overthrow of apartheid and the achievement of one man, one vote — was immutable, but almost anything that helped him get to that goal he regarded as a tactic. He is the most pragmatic of idealists.”

3. Lead from the back — and let others believe they are in front.
“Mandela loved to reminisce about his boyhood and his lazy afternoons herding cattle. ‘You know," he
mandela by ngozi ekeoma
would say, "you can only lead them from behind.’ He would then raise his eyebrows to make sure I got the analogy. As a boy, Mandela was greatly influenced by Jongintaba, the tribal king who raised him. When Jongintaba had meetings of his court, the men gathered in a circle, and only after all had spoken did the king begin to speak. The chief’s job, Mandela said, was not to tell people what to do but to form a consensus. "Don’t enter the debate too early," he used to say. … The trick of leadership is allowing yourself to be led too. ‘It is wise,’ he said, ‘to persuade people to do things and make them think it was their own idea.’”

4. Know your enemy — and learn about his favorite sport.
“As far back as the 1960s, mandela began studying Afrikaans, the language of the white South Africans who created apartheid. His comrades in the ANC teased him about it, but he wanted to understand the Afrikaner’s worldview; he knew that one day he would be fighting them or negotiating with them, and either
mandela and bill by ngozi ekeoma
way, his destiny was tied to theirs.”
5. Keep your friends close — and your rivals even closer.
“Many of the guests mandela invited to the house he built in Qunu were people whom, he intimated to me, he did not wholly trust. He had them to dinner; he called to consult with them; he flattered them and gave them gifts. Mandela is a man of invincible charm — and he has often used that charm to even greater effect on his
keep your friends close mandela by ngozi ekeoma
rivals than on his allies. On Robben Island, Mandela would always include in his brain trust men he neither liked nor relied on.… Mandela believed that embracing his rivals was a way of controlling them: they were more dangerous on their own than within his circle of influence. He cherished loyalty, but he was never obsessed by it. After all, he used to say, ‘people act in their own interest.’ It was simply a fact of human nature, not a flaw or a defect.”

appearance mandela by ngozi ekeoma
6. Appearances matter — and remember to smile.
“When Mandela was running for the presidency in 1994, he knew that symbols mattered as much as substance. He was never a great public speaker, and people often tuned out what he was saying after the first few minutes. But it was the iconography that people understood. When he was on a platform, he would always do the toyi-toyi, the township dance that was an emblem of the struggle. But more important was that dazzling, beatific, all-inclusive smile.”

7. Nothing is black or white.
mandela by ngozi ekeoma nothing is black or white“Life is never either/or. Decisions are complex, and there are always competing factors. To look for simple explanations is the bias of the human brain, but it doesn’t correspond to reality. Nothing is ever as straightforward as it appears. Mandela is comfortable with contradiction. As a politician, he was a pragmatist who saw the world as infinitely nuanced. Much of this, I believe, came from living as a black man under an
apartheid system that offered a daily regimen of excruciating and debilitating moral choices: Do I defer to the white boss to get the job I want and avoid a punishment? Do I carry my pass? …. Mandela’s calculus was always, What is the end that I seek, and what is the most practical way to get there?”

8. Quitting is leading too.
“Knowing how to abandon a failed idea, task or relationship is often the most difficult kind of decision a leader has to make. In many ways, Mandela’s greatest legacy as President of South Africa is the way he chose to leave it. When he was elected in 1994, Mandela probably could have pressed to be President for life — and there were many who felt that in return for his years in prison, that was the least South Africa could do.…. ‘His job was to set the course,’ says Ramaphosa, ‘not to steer the ship.’ He knows that leaders lead as much by what they choose not to do as what they do.”
6  Forum / Education / Principles of Leadership : People Do What People See....What do your people see on: 25-12-2013 01:43 AM
Principles of Leadership : People Do What People See....What do your people see in you?

 By Ngozi Ekeoma

leadership ngozi ekeoma

Two men, down on their luck, sit on a park bench in shabby clothes watching businesspeople in crisp suits rushing to their offices. The first man says, “The reason I’m here is because I refused to listen to anybody.”
“That so?” replies the second fella. “I’m here because I listened to everybody.”
Both practices are recipes for disaster. Successful people don’t take the advice of everyone, nor do they try to do everything on their own. Instead, they find successful models who exemplify the values, skills and qualities they desire to possess.
If you’re a leader, I hope you have already found models to follow, but that’s not what I want to discuss. I want to ask you this simple question: Are you worthy of followers?

One of the most important leadership principles I’ve discovered is this: People do what people see. When your team looks at you, when they watch what you do day in and day out, what do they see? If they were to emulate you, how would you rate them?
I base my leadership primarily on my values and a pragmatic approach. I do what I know works. But I’m also very conscious of the fact that others are watching me and following my lead.
What I do, they will do. How I work, they will work. What I value, they will value. So I ask myself: What kinds of traits do I want to model?
1. A Passion for Personal Growth
personal growth

I know too many people who suffer from what I call “Destination Disease.” They’ve identified a certain career position or financial goal they want to reach, and then they work very hard to achieve that goal. But once they get there, they stop working hard and growing.
This mindset creates two problems for leaders. First, it causes them to stall. You’ll stop improving the moment you lose the tension between where you are and where you have the potential to be. Second, it sets a bad example for their followers. Think about it: How many people in your current circle didn’t see your former self, the one who fought hard to achieve? If you’re resting on your laurels, they’ll assume you are doing what you’ve always done and follow suit.
If you feel yourself slowing down, it’s time for a self-assessment. If you’re done working, retire and get out of the way of your business. But if you stay, you must keep striving. If you slacken, your people will do the same—Destination Disease is highly contagious. To keep it from taking hold, set new, higher goals for yourself and make sure your people see you pursuing them. It’s a surefire way to keep your organization humming.
2. A Heart for People
a heart for the people

If you’ve ever seen me in person, you know I don’t blitz through a crowd. Instead, I stroll across a room, shaking hands, saying hello, offering smiles. It’s my way of showing that I care.
I’m a busy guy, but these moments are worth the pause. People want to know that the leaders they follow can be trusted. They want to know that the leader cares about them as people, not just as tools to help realize a vision.
Taking this extra time also forces me to stop and listen. How can you add value to people if you don’t know them and understand what they want? So slow down. Talk. Listen. Connect. This practice will not only help you grow as a leader, it will also establish a caring culture across all levels of your organization.

3. An Ability to Coach Others to Reach Their Potential
leader coach

“The only difference between a rich person and a poor person,” says Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki, “is how they use their time.”
Boy—is that statement ever true of successful people! This is one principle I really try to model for my team. You won’t catch me idling. You will see me trying to wring the most out of every day.
Here’s a good place to segue into another way I like to cultivate leaders: by mentoring them. You can model all sorts of valuable traits, but sometimes people need hands-on help, too.
One of the best things I did for a member of my leadership team years ago was to meet with her every few months to talk about her priorities. She was a good leader and got a lot done, but she sometimes lost sight of the big picture. Our regular meetings helped her to stay on track.
If you can learn to coach people, you’ll help them, your organization and yourself. By coaching, I don’t just mean giving people the skills to do a job. That’s training, which does have value. But coaching—that long-term, guiding relationship—is even more impactful. According to the International Personnel Management Association, training increases productivity by 22 percent, while a combination of training and coaching increases it by 88 to 400 percent!

“You will never maximize your potential in any area without coaching,” Andy Stanley writes in his book Next Generation Leader . “You may be good. You may even be better than everyone else. But without outside input you will never be as good as you could be. Self-evaluation is helpful, but evaluation from someone else is essential.”
So mentor your people. Show them how you seek guidance on your own endless quest for self-improvement. And remember these words by Andrew Carnegie: “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”
Are you doing what you want your team to do?
ngozi ekeoma
7  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Can Friendship Survive Sex on: 30-01-2013 03:17 AM

For my female friends who were very interested in this topic. I just have to post my views on this. Its awkward when supposed friends have sex and it changes everything/…The first reaction when you wake up at a dear friend’s place, in her bed - and well, naked - can be of utter awkwardness. Something you would not say to yourself would be that you really “messed up”.

Thinking it all to be just casual sex would be a bigger mistake afterwards because, with someone as close as a friend, and being a girl at that, comes with a ‘D’ for demanding. Some friendships come with benefits like sex without the strings attached, and the participants have no issues at all…BUT..... It’s not always so.
Here’s the question for you, whether your friendship can survive the sex? Following the steps below can help you out when shit hits the fan:

The Talk

Waking up to reality would never seem harder than this. You would probably blame yourself and the woman herself with no one being ready to talk. Not a good sign.

Talk is what it really needs, so if you can make way for that, there is a chance. Don't follow your brain man! listen to your heart. Don’t wait for her to give that first call. Just dial her number and TALK!

No Sharing

A solid ‘rule’ and a good one too. Do not go about telling others in the circle about the escapade. That would spell nothing short of blasphemy for the future of your friendship, which you totally cherish and would like to have back. Respect the importance of your friendship and keep your mouth shut.

Feeling of Falling in Love
There can be a very predictable and obvious pull in the heart that you are probably in love with your friend.

Sex doesn’t lead to love, not at least with one encounter. So, you might just need to clear your head and think about what else in common you share with your friend and is it really love?

The Fear Pang
Grappled with the thought of losing your friend due to the sexcapade, you could very well be on the verge of a psychological impediment. Don’t give in to this trauma, and instead, remember the need to keep your thinking crystal clear to work the situation out.

Do not Lose Touch

If you do not get over the fear, and that first awkward conversation, you risk losing touch forever! DO not let yourself lose that old camaraderie just because you saw her naked.

Moving On
Should nothing work out and the above steps prove fruitless, appreciate the whole idea of having had such a dear friend and the prospect of having slept with her may leave behind a sweet memory instead.

So, can friendship survive sex? Absolutely, all you need to have is a bit of a faith and that overrated thing called ‘courage’ to save your friendship from falling in a deep abyss of awkwardness. You do that and you can have a friend for life or maybe an FWB (friend with benefits).

But hey, whatever did you do to get yourself friend-zoned in the first place?

i'll talk to you again soon
Your Friend

source: Chrisking Leonhart (
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